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Round 3 – It’s The Little Things

Name: Jade
From: San Antonio, Texas
Votes: 0

It’s The Little Things

It’s The Little Things

The importance of driver education in America is paramount to reduce the number of deaths while driving. The safety of American citizens should be one of the most important topics in today’s world. Instead of bickering about politics or watching cartoons in front of your television, we should be talking about how to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. There are endless ways to reduce the number of deaths on the road but a few moral ways to do this are to make sure everyone is wearing a seatbelt in the vehicle, making sure the driver is not intoxicated in any form, and lastly limiting distractions when behind the wheel. This requires all of us to have some integrity and to do the right thing when nobody’s watching. More alternatives to drastically decrease the number of deaths would be to improve signage, create more divided highways, and to implement better roadway lighting. These miniscule procedures or changes can be life saving in the future if put into action. With over 210 million licensed drivers, we need to take more precautions as a nation to ensure the domestic safety of all of our citizens while on the road. As a country we need to fight one battle at a time, and our streets are a perfect place to start.Thankfully I have never been into a car accident , but I have second hand experience because my mother was in an accident. An 18-wheeler ran her off of the road and flipped the truck she was driving. Within a blink of an eye, my mom was upside down in a truck full of broken parts and glass. Thankfully she only suffered minor bruising and a broken arm, but made it out okay. As a result I am very cautious and try to abide by all the street rules while driving. The roads are a very scary and unpredictable place, yet so many people drive everyday. We should take all the possible and necessary steps to limit the amount of deaths while driving in the United States. I was speaking for the nation as a whole when I was listing safety measures that I thought would be beneficial to all of us, but I need to hold myself accountable and to the same standards as well. I can become a better and safer driver by turning off my notifications and putting my phone away while I drive, waiting to get home to eat instead of eating in the car, and to get my road rage under control. These steps are undersized when looking at the safety of not only me, but the people around me. I will try my best to do my part as a safe driver, in hopes that the people and the government will do its part by ensuring safer streets in the future. The importance of safe driving will never fade away as more and more people take to the streets, this is why we all must do our part to ensure the safety of us and others around us.