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Round 3 – Driver’s Education Can Save Lives

Name: Kacie Callahan
From: Jacksonville, Missouri
Votes: 0

Driver’s Education Can Save Lives

Have you ever been driving or riding in a car and saw someone else on the road that was not driving safely? I know for me that it scares me and makes me wonder if they took a driver’s education class or not. To me, the importance of driver’s education could be the difference between life and death. Driver’s education provides new drivers with knowledge and skills that may be helpful and maybe even life-saving to them while they are in the driver’s seat. Not all kids get the chance to be trained by someone who is really good at driving. Lots of parents have driven for years, but have developed bad habits. These habits can be passed down to their kids. Also, some kids pay more attention to someone other than their parents.

Knowing more skills and results of distracted driving while you are behind the wheel can keep you and others that are on the road safe. The police are a big part of keeping our roads safe, however, if they were to crack down more on speeding along with texting and driving our roads could become safer places. Texting and driving causes a lot of accidents on our roads. If everyone was required to go to driving school, watching the results of texting and driving could help the younger generation realize how dangerous being on your phone while driving could actually be. Unfortunately, this is not the only danger. There are many ways to become distracted while driving. Something that falls into this category is driving while you are tired. Driving tired can be just as dangerous as texting and driving. When you are sleepy you dose off a lot and will not be as focused on the road and what is in front of you.

Car accidents are very scary. I personally have not been in an accident, but my older sister has been. She was eighteen and I can still remember when we got the call that she had gotten in an accident and it was bad. It was one of the scariest things that I’ve endured in my life. My sister is one of those that started driving without taking a driver’s education class. We later found out that while she was driving and got distracted while she was at a stop sign. She forgot to look both ways twice and pulled out and hit another car. If she had taken a driver’s education class maybe this could have been prevented. After the accident it was mandatory for her to go take one of these classes. I feel that this has made her a better and safer driver. She feels more confident on the roads. Not only did this help her, but it helped my whole family. When I am on the road driving, all I have to think about is getting that call. Something as simple as putting my phone down can save my life along with others. Everyone needs to understand how important it is. I truly believe that everyone should be required to take a driver’s education course prior to getting their license.