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Round 3 – Driving Is Not a Movie Scene, You CANNOT Get a “Do Over”

Name: Chekinah Tyrell
From: San Antonio, Texas
Votes: 0

Driving Is Not a Movie Scene, You CANNOT Get a “Do Over”

Tyrell 2

Chekinah Tyrell 

August 22, 2020

2020 Drivers Education Essay Contest

Drivers Ed Online

Driving Is Not a Movie Scene, You CANNOT Get a “Do Over”

Known for the inconsistent signaling and competitive driving, San Antonio, Texas knows how to keep a beginner of the road, like myself, on their toes. It would be plausible to think, that in a generation that is provided with so much access to information. We would be among the wisest and most advanced beings, to walk the face of the earth. But the simple matter is, morals play an important role in the mindset and execution of a driver (educated and uneducated). Oftentimes, it is not until that person has a moment of facing the reality of their actions. That they finally come to an ultimatum, that of driving is not like the temporary accidents we used to have on the playground as children. But rather, an accident can transform that person’s and/or some else’s life.

Because we also live in an era, where not only is there an abundance of entertainment. But entertainment that can make fictional things seem so real, and actual things seem so harmless. It is obvious that without the help of Jesus Christ. One would not be able to convince or enforce the entertainment industry, to lower or stop their production of products (e.g. movies, shows, social media, news, etc.). Which can aid in causing the consumer to desensitize the reality and truth about life. But then again, it is not always their place to hold the blame for such error as well. Human beings have a personal responsibility, whether they choose to act upon it or not, to consider that some of the choices they make, cannot be done over again. Or reconciled with by an hour and 30 minutes, just like in the movies. If every person were to hold this concept at the forefront of their mind, every time they got behind the wheel. Perhaps the rate of accidents and the number of souls taken out of this world, would be a lot less than they are today.

Prior to my new endeavor of driving, I did not look forward to engaging in the freedom of the road like my siblings. When one rides with a brother, that at times sees the road as a platform to make their engine scream, and to boldly challenge the laws of inertia. You learn very quickly, how sacred prayer can be. By the grace of God, I have been able to dodge the few mishaps that he has had. But unfortunately, I still have been a part of some without him as well. And like any human body, that is not immortal to the costly effects of gravity, the feeling is never pleasant.  Especially the post-traumatic stress afterwards. Thankfully, the few experiences I had, will not stop me from mastering the way of the road. But will help me to value it, including my earned privilege to drive on it.

A step that I will take, to being a better and safer driver, is working on remaining calm and subtle behind the wheel. It has been observed by my parents, that when I drive, I tend to make sharp and jerky movements. Rather than soft and subtle ones. Another step that I will take, to being a proactive driver, is knowing where I am and where I want to go, before getting on the road. When you do not know somewhat where you are going, or want to go, you can open yourself up to being unpredictable on the road. While that might be a nice idea to consider when thinking about your destiny and direction in life, it is not such a bright idea when managing a 3,500 pound vehicle. Lastly, when I am not in the driver’s seat, to be a helpful passenger. I will make a better effort to assist the driver more with secondary matters. So that way the driver can focus on the most important thing in the moment, which is driving safely, and not having to worry about any minor issues that may arise.