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Round 3 – Driving Safely

Name: Amani Petway
From: Jacksonville, NC
Votes: 23

Driving Safely

Driver education is important to reduce the number of deaths. Ensuring that every driver is taught the correct rules of the road can help everyone remain safe. In driver education, teens learn how to be safer of the road, demonstrate greater driving knowledge, and score higher on the driving exam. Not only does driver education teach valuable road skills but also provides greater knowledge of the law and establishes lifelong skills. Because of driver education, teens can avoid situations that could lead to a crash resulting in injuries or even death. Although no driver is perfect, driver’s education is one of the many ways to significantly reduce the number of deaths that result from driving.

The steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving are basically the whole driver’s manual. In summary, drivers should check their vehicle, adjust mirrors, and use seat belts. Avoid texting, drinking, and simply being distracted while driving. Keep your eyes on the road and try to anticipate the actions of others. Prepare for the unexpected and try to never be in a rush to get to a destination as it isn’t worth the risk of the life and safety of you and those driving around you. These steps and countless others will reduce the number of deaths related to driving.

Unfortunately, I have been a tiny car accident. My family and I were headed to the beach and my mom was driving. We were stopped at a red light with a few cars in front of us. Then out of nowhere a car hit us from behind. The hit wasn’t too hard, and no one was injured but we felt it as we were sore the next day. It was clear that the driver who hit us was texting while driving. Although this accident wasn’t very big, I could never imagine going through a larger accident that leads to injuries or death. This is why being educated on driving and actually living out the principles is important. If people do so, everyone can be kept safe and less peoples’ lives are cut short.

To become a better and safer driver, always minimize all distractions, keep a safe distance from cars, and focus on driving. Always adjust your seats, mirrors, and temperature before starting to drive. Be sure to wear your seat belt as they help you and are legally mandatory. During inclement weather, drive at slower speeds and with your lights on in order to prevent hydroplaning or black ice. Never underestimate the stopping distance between you and the car in front of you. Use your turn signals when driving and always completely stop at stop signs while paying attention to other drivers and potential pedestrians before you proceed. Try not to make other drivers angry as road rage is real and can be very dangerous. Always anticipate problems before you get to them because it can make you a better and safer driver and keep others safe.