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Round 3 – “No More Victims”

Name: Jocelyn Przepioski
From: Philadelphia , Pennsylvania
Votes: 13

“No More Victims”

Drivers education is very important when it comes to being on the road for the first time. In addition to that learning to develop a safe driving attitude is so necessary to have too because when you are driving you will be making a lot of choices and those choices come with consequences. You also have to be very cautious of your surroundings as well as for pedestrians. When you also decide to receive your drivers education you will learn how to safety operate your vehicle in any dangerous driving circumstance. Along with that you will gain essential safe driving skills and learn the rules of the road for your safety and others. In the long run when you take the time to complete your drivers education you are taking the time to make sure you are safe on the road and others.

Some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is simply obeying the traffic laws. Also paying attention at all times, avoiding all distractions at all cost. Following, the text message from your best friend can wait. Your lungs can wait until you’re off the road for that cigarette. Personally and most importantly don’t ever pick up a drink and then drive. You are never okay or stable enough to make the roads safer for all and yourself.

8 years ago on July 31,2012 I lost two very special girls that had an impact on me. Ashley and Nioami are their names. At the time they were only 13 and 15 years old. They both and Nioami’s sister were walking to get ice cream that night. Now on this devastating night a man decided to drive on his way home under the influence of alcohol. This poor decision resulted in the passing of my two beautiful cousins on that day. Every day I can not help to think of all of the milestones that man has taken from my family. From birthdays to graduations. I was 10 years old when my mom had to explain what happened and I could not understand why. I was devastated and I miss them everyday. That experience took a toll on me and I made a promise to myself to always bring awareness on what can happen if you drink and drive. No drink, smoke, or even text is more important than your life. Driving responsibly is very essential to me.

Steps I personally will take to ensure the safety of myself and others on the road is to first attend driving school to make sure I gain all the skill sets I need and learn how to properly operate my vehicle. My steps I would enforce when I’m on the road is to first put my phone on silent or on a do not disturb mode so my phone can not cause me any distractions. Secondly, I like to listen to music a lot but I will always make sure I won’t play my music too loud to cause me to be distracted. Thirdly I will always follow the speed limit and signs. In summary I will guarantee to be observant at all times and always drive responsibly.