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Round 3 – Driving Safer 2020

Name: christina lange
From: st paul, Alberta
Votes: 0

Driving Safer 2020

Driver Education Initiative Award September 20, 2020

What is the importance of driver education in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving?

As a driver and a mother with two boys I know that driver safety is a very important subject that I have been teaching my sons from a very young age. Knowledge is key to a successful driving environment for not only the one driving but anyone in the car and around them. Driving is a privilege and should never be taken for granted. When a driver is able to recall what is learned in driver education, they are able to be more confident and aware of their surroundings which in turn will reduce the amount of accidents and injuries. Repetition for rules and teachings will help them to recall what is learned in time to prevent collisions. Taking time to learn from a proper trainer will help them to gain good habits rather than friendly bad habits.

What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving?

Stricter rules enforcement with distractive driving would reduce a large number of deaths related to driving. As a driver I see people distracted all the time while driving and of course the temptation is always there for me as well. I want to be a strong positive influence on my sons and anyone in my car that shows that their lives as well as my own is more important than the person on a phone or by pulling over to reach for something that could otherwise be a cause for an accident. If there were more consequences for those who are distracted it will prove a safer road for everyone. Paying a fine may stop someone for a short time but if they have to possibly redo a driving course it could help reduce bad habits.

Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly?

I was in an accident where I hit the back of a truck while driving out of town and the speed limit went from 50 to 70 max and as both the truck in front of me as well and I had picked up speed to get into a max 100 highway the truck decided it wanted to turn left and as they slam on their breaks to turn I didn’t have enough time to go around them and hit hard and received a concussion and a large auto bill as I was the one in the back. I am sure that they were distracted and possibly not knowing where they were going or thinking of any other drivers.

What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road?

A few things to be a better driver and help other drivers stay safe could be;

  • Keeping lights clean and clear so that others can see you from the front and back, ex) break lights.

  • Signaling in a timely manner so that the person behind knows what you are about to do.

  • Shoulder check as there may be someone in your blind spot or a pedestrian walking that is hard to see.

  • Be courteous and letting people pass safely or letting people in your lane so that traffic runs smoothly.