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Round 3 – Educational Drivers Safety

Name: Ciara Rose Coy
From: Washington Court House, Ohio
Votes: 0

Educational Drivers Safety

Educational drivers Safety By: Ciara Coy

Drivers safety is very important in reducing the number of vehicle deaths. Drivers safety is so important because it teaches us the do’s and the don’ts when we are driving, it also tells and shows us how to be safe when driving. Drivers education is important so that way we all know how to stay safe when we are driving and so we all know what to look out for. Drivers education helps reduce the number of vehicle deaths because if we all listen and follow what it teaches us it shows us how to be responsible drivers and keep each other safe on the road. Steps we can all take to be able to reduce the deaths from driving is to make sure we are always paying attention to hats around us hen driving and to keep our eyes on the road, it is also good for us to drive responsible without being intoxicated on any kind of harmful drugs or drinks. We must all always be careful from ourselves when driving and from others and keeping an extra eye out for that can help us reduce some of these vehicle deaths. I have always heard the same story from my parents about how our car got hit when I was just a little girl and my seat belt ended up getting stuck and it was very hard to get me out of the car seat until, a nice lady from down the road came to help my mom cut me out of the seat before something wore happened. I have witnessed a few people in my family drive reckless, they drive fast and sometimes don’t always keep their eye out on how others are driving and how they themselves are driving. My cousin was recently in a car accident from driving really fast on the backroads on her way home and went really fast over a hill and hit the back of someone’s truck and ended up totaling her car, she ended up having minor injuries but was without a car for a while. things that can help others be better and safer drivers is to ake sure that you pay attention to how you’re driving but also to watch out for other become sometimes there are reckless drivers, we also need to make sure we don’t drive while intoxicated because then we could ed up getting in a bad accident and either hurting/killing ourselves or someone else. I lost one of my dear family members a while back because there was a drunk driver who ran him off the road. We need to ae sure we stick to the laws of driving and no be reckless and drive what the speed limit tells us. We need to also make sure we stop when we are supposed to stop because not only is it the law but we don’t want to end up causing an accident and hurting ourselves and others from not paying attention and from not caring. Drivers education is very important because it teaches us about drivers’ safety and how we can keep each other safe on the roads if we follow the rules and be careful.