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Round 3 – How could we change it?

Name: Sergio I. Rodriguez
From: Edinburg, Texas
Votes: 0

How could we change it?

How Could We Change it?

An average of 34,000 people die each year as a result of driving. How could we change it? What I believe we can do to minimize the amount of the deaths is that we need to see how people drive and what they are thinking in order to really know how this could be happening and how to prevent it. I have The way I drive is what I like to call defensive and a little aggressive You may ask “ why would you say that“ I say that because you always have to be aware of your surroundings and if you’re on the defensive you will always be aware and if you are on the aggressive you are not afraid of getting into another lane or you’re not afraid of other cars.

I have actually been in an accident with my dad who was driving. He was exiting Burger King and there was a tsunami of cars that were there they had all stopped because there was a red light. In the five lane street two people were kind enough to stop for my dad so he can make his left turn. As he was slowly creeping up to the middle lane, the third lane, a young highschool student looked like he was coming at a very high speed and as my dad just got to the middle lane the young kid hit the nose of the truck. I was in shock because who would be going down the middle lane fast like that but it was essentially my dad’s fault he could have gone around to the other exit where he could see who was coming from his left side so now usually I will not turn anywhere if I can not see them from my left.

I believe that you can take steps if lowering your risks in getting into accidents and even dying. The word aware means having knowledge or appreciation of a situation or a fact. I would be aware of something that you should do while driving. Being aware is a very unique task because you need to always be looking around and know what is going on around you, where a car is, how close is that car, who is in front of you, who is behind you that is just some of the things that you have to be aware of. While driving i have been close to crashing because someone was not paying attention to their surroundings and almost crashed into me but luckily i was aware of that person and where is was and I saw him before he hit me.

Driver education is very important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving because they teach you basically how to drive and what the rules of the road are. If we did not learn how the rules work and how to drive I believe as a result the road would be a mess and be more people dying from accidents. It is like saying “Ok, you don’t need to go to medical school just work on this patient.” becoming a doctor doesn’t work like that, it is the same for becoming a driver you need to take drivers education in order to know what you are doing.