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Round 3 – The Road to Driving Safety

Name: Meliya Russom
From: San Diego, California
Votes: 0

The Road to Driving Safety

Driver education is essential in road safety because it lays out all the facts before new drivers. It makes it clear that driving is not something to be taken lightly. So many factors can cause an accident on the road, whether it be rain, snow, or a negligent driver, and many of these factors you can’t control. Still though, you have control over your own actions and behavior, so each time you step into the car you need to keep that in the forefront of your mind. Driver education prepares you for this exact moment. All the signals, skills, and instruction you gained from those driving classes allows you to be a safer and more assured driver. I think that something people tend to forget or ignore is just how dangerous driving can be. On the news, I often see reports on crashes and accidents, some so terrible they shake me to my core. The only thing I can do, while I’m sitting on my couch, is to pray that the victims of the accident pull through. Even though in those moments, I can’t do anything to help the people in the accident, I can do something to help protect people in the future. There are so many driving awareness websites that need people to join the cause and spread awareness on this issue. I myself recently got involved in one of these campaigns and received a digital driving card to share with all my friends and family. It was a concise and informative card that provides tips to be a better and more attentive driver. Even though I haven’t started driving yet, it was something I could still do to promote driving safety. While I myself have never experienced being in a car accident, my mother was in one several months ago. Luckily it wasn’t a fatal accident and no one was injured, but when I first figured out about it I was immediately struck with fear. I was wondering how my mother was doing, was she hurt? Once my older brother assured me that she was perfectly safe and unharmed I allowed myself to calm down a little, but not that much. The thought that kept passing through my head was how I had no idea what was going on when the driver speeding on the freeway slammed into my mother’s car. I was at school, blissfully unaware of what was happening, focusing solely on my classwork. The truth is that there were so many different and more deadly outcomes that could have happened from that accident, but I am lucky that wasn’t the case. This is what drove me to get more involved in driving safety. So that I can keep others from facing the fear and the loss that an accident causes.