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Round 3 – In The Drivers Seat

Name: Marcus Quintanilla
From: Edinburg, TX
Votes: 0

In The Drivers Seat

Quintanilla 1

Marcus Quintanilla

September 24,2020

In The Driver’s Seat

Driving, the control and operation of a motor vehicle, is something that we as Americans have become accustomed to over the past century. We are so used to getting in our cars and driving to our destination on a day to day basis. Yet, so many people never make it to their destination. The sad part is that they could have made it to their destination if they had simply been more attentive and safe. That is why we as Americans must become better drivers, because our life is not worth being lost in an accident.

The lifestyle of most people is very hectic, we are always on the go and usually extremely busy. Simply put, we have places to be and not a lot of time to get there. That has partly contributed to the immense number of people who have died on the road, but that is not an excuse. Most people nowadays break several safety laws while driving including: texting while driving, not wearing a seat belt, and not putting on a seatbelt. These simple laws are not hard to accomplish and can make all the difference. Most of the time these laws are known well and taught in driving school, yet are often ignored.

That is why we need to continue to put resources into everything that can get the point across to not break the drivers safety laws. Even though we continue to lose people to reckless driving every year, we can lower the number of deaths substantially.

Our main focus should be convincing the younger generation of drivers that breaking drivers safety laws could lead to dire consequences. We need to show them that their life is not worth being cut short over negligent driving, because most young people do not want to die young. There has to be a way to get the vital points across without becoming too preachy.

I am thankful to say that due to my attentive driving, I have not been in a crash neither small nor substantial. I realized from a young age that driving negligently can lead to consequences that are not optimal. I have always remembered to put my phone away before driving, put my seatbelt on, and to use the proper signals while on the road. This has made all the difference, because I am sure that I may have been in a crash if I had not followed these simple laws. That is why I follow these laws, because I have a life to live and I do not want it to be cut short.

The older I get the more relient I become on driving to get place to place. For this reason, I will continue to put my phone away in the glove department, put on my seat belt, and use the proper signals while I drive. If I am going to be doing this for the rest of my life then I might as well do it safely. Not driving safely has taken too many lifes, but it will not take mine.