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Round 3 – Promoting an End to Death by Driving

Name: Soraya Elizabeth Tofighrad
From: Encino, CA
Votes: 0

Promoting an End to Death by Driving

Tofighrad, Soraya

Promoting an End to Death by Driving

Driving is an activity that has become an essentially part of society’s daily life. Due to that fact, people want to earn their driver’s license as soon as they legally can and thus require driver’s education. Although people are required to take driver’s education and practice driving before taking the two tests required to obtain a license, people still end up endangering their safety and getting into deadly car accidents. On average, there occur six million car accidents in the United States of America every year. And the leading cause of these car accidents is distracted driving. While living in Los Angeles, I’ve witnessed many traffic accidents on the highway and most of the time it was due to one of the people involved being on their phone. To reduce the number of deaths related to driving, driver’s education must also educate students on how to prevent the habit of texting or using social media while driving.

There are many methods to reduce such a dangerous driving habit and becoming a better and safer driver such as turning their phone onto silent mode. When a person hears the sound of a notification on their phone, they immediately grab their phone and check what was the notification. If their phone is in silent mode, they won’t hear when there’s a new notification and will be less likely to check their phone as they are driving since they are unaware if there is any reason to. But many drivers might have been in the middle of texting someone and might be anxious to check if the other person responded back and still check their phone. So another method to prevent drivers from texting while driving is turning their phones completely off. It’s an annoyance to turn a phone on and off again so drivers will be less likely to touch their phone at all as they are driving. Having their phones off will cause them to keep them off during the ride and finally turn the phones back on when they have finished driving. However, even if the phone was turned off before they started to drive, they might turn the phone back in the midst of driving and end up briefly checking their phone for a moment and thus result in causing a car accident. If such drivers have little self control of their phone, then a method they should try is putting their phone out of reach. With their phone out of their hand’s reach, they will be less likely to even think about their phone and will drive without ever using their phone. And if they must use their phone because they believe the text message is important, then they should safely pull over and stop the car on the side of the road in which they can then text without putting anyone in danger including themselves.

In conclusion, driver’s education must include methods on how to prevent distracted driving in order to reduce death by car accidents.