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Round 3 – How to reduce the number of deaths related to driving

Name: Kuin Paul
From: Douala, Littoral
Votes: 0

How to reduce the number of deaths related to driving

Driving is one of the things that most of us usually do . In the world many people are dying because of driving than any other natural catastrophe. As more more people are driving today, it becomes a necessity to educate and inform people on how to become safer drivers and also how to minimize the risk associated with driving. You should read read this essay so as to know how to minimize the risk associated with driving and how to become a better driver. The first two paragraphs will be talking about the importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths related to driving.

First and foremost driver education helps people to know and obey security measures which makes people drive responsibly. It also helps to educate people on what actions to take in case of critical conditions when driving. All of these help to reduce the number of deaths associated with driving.

Moreover , it helps people to know and respect the signs and symbols on the road representing the codes of the road . With this we can reduce the probability of having an accident, which helps to safe lives.

Furthermore, how can we reduce the number of deaths related to driving. The government should create more turn only lanes . This will help bring down accidents by making the rounds more visible to drivers passing there . The society should go for public transportation means like trains aeroplane. These transportation means have been proven to be safer than car and will help to reduce the death rate and also reduce car emissions thereby protecting our planet.

Also, when an accident happen, the first 20 minutes are very crucial for the survival of the vitims inside the car. So the earlier the ambulance come to rescue the vitims the better their chances of survival . So health care officials should increase the speed of emergency response.

Again, the government should design smarter streets. Street design can enhance safety and quality of life by improving visibility and accessibility for people walking and cycling and encourage safer behavior from drivers. For example narrower streets encourage more careful driving and make it easier for pedestrian to cross.

In addition, to become a better driver, we should do the following. We should always look further ahead. By looking further ahead, we try to avoid cars that may come from some where. Scanning the road 10 secs ahead will help to give you enormous amount of extra time to anticipate and react to dangers and to eleminate nose to tail accidents. We should leave a bigger gap between your vehicle and the car in front of you . In my opinion for my to become a better driver I make sure I don’t weave between lanes . Drivers always have the feeling that the other lane is moving faster than where you are which is not true. When you skip lanes you cause the cars behind you to brake down and increasing the traffic and this might cause an accident. I strongly advise people not to drive sleepy. Fatigue has caused many accident as it delay your time of reaction.

In a nutshell, driver education is helping reduce the number of deaths related to driving if people respect driving codes ,put in pratice what they had learnt. Please read this well and follow the instructions and recommendation so as the deaths related to driving, stay safe.