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Round 3 – The Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Kirsten Poore
From: Greenwood, South Carolina
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers Education

Drivers Education Initiative Award- Kirsten Poore

When it comes to the age of students getting their permit and license, all they think about is driving on their own, but it is important to take the safety of everyone into consideration. New drivers are less educated about the rules and regulations of driving. Therefore, Drivers Education is very important and beneficial in informing new drivers of the rules of the road. The purpose of Drivers Education is to provide new drivers with knowledge and skills needed for safe driving and for operating a car properly. Drivers Education also gives new drivers the opportunity to take driving lessons with a trained driving instructor. The driving lessons with an instructor helps the new drivers to physically experience driving alongside someone that can instruct and help them to learn. This is a good experience because the trained instructors have the proper knowledge to teach new drivers. Along with learning the rules and driving with an instructor, the new drivers are also informed of the importance of safe driving, of situations that can cause accidents, and how to prevent accidents from occurring. Safe driving is important because your life and others lives depend on it. Driving safely keeps everyone safe, prevents accidents, and prevents you from possibly receiving a traffic ticket. If drivers are not safe, accidents will most likely occur. Accidents continue to increase and have become a major cause of death. Driving while distracted or drinking while driving are two major factors that increase the chances of having an accident that can lead to death. There are also other factors that can add to the risk of an accident such as excessive speeding, following too closely, other inexperienced drivers, and passengers that cause a distraction. All of these situations can occur and that is the reason the Driver’s Education instructors inform students of them to let them know that it is not worth risking their life or other people’s lives. Knowing about these types of situations ahead of time can help reduce the number of deaths caused by a car accident. Drivers should be aware at all times and know the rules of the road to reduce the chance of an accident.

Fortunately, I have never experienced a car accident personally. I know that they can be extremely damaging and devastating to everyone who is involved. One of my friends and her dad were in a minor accident when someone pulled out and hit them. The car was dented in a little and my friend and her dad experienced minor back pain. Thank goodness no one was majorly hurt. I know that accidents occur a lot, so I am taking steps to be a better and safer driver. I am focusing solely on the road and not letting other things or people be a distraction. If steps are taken to be less distracted and more focused on the road, the chance of an accident occurring at all will be decreased and the chance of a deadly accident will be highly unlikely.