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Round 3 – Importance of Driver Education

Name: Karly Rees
From: Oxford, Pennsylvania
Votes: 10

Importance of Driver Education

Karlyn Rees

19 November 2020

Importance of Driver Education

Driver’s education courses, said by various references, are to not only train teens to abide by the laws of the road but to also reduce the number of crash related casualties. Thousands of people decease each year as a result of careless driving which may be prevented with proper education. According to UNL News, “During their first year of driving, the group who took driver’s ed had significantly fewer accidents and traffic tickets than the group that logged driving hours without formal driving instruction” (UNL). Based on this data, educating teens on the dangers associated with driving before permitting them to drive alone will increase awareness and steadily decrease the number of roadside accidents. To educate teens, driver’s education courses should be encouraged nationwide and logged hours of formal driving instruction should be required. Teens must fully understand the risks associated with driving as well as the importance of driving safely before getting on the road.

Personally, I have witnessed friends driving irresponsibly firsthand. My friend was carelessly swerving in the lane, not maintaining proper following distance, and even refusing to slow down near pedestrians. Needless to say, I will not be riding with this individual any longer. It is hard for teens to weigh the importance of speaking up and protecting themselves feeling that they may jeopardize their friendship. Careless driving is not something to excuse, and the risk you are putting yourself in must be recognized. I was consistently anxious while riding in the passenger seat, fearful of getting in an accident and ultimately putting my life in danger. Teens are not always conscious of the situations they put their friends and family in, and driver’s education courses are proven to increase this awareness. I do not wish upon anyone to feel how I did in that seat, but there are ways to prevent this and I strongly encourage proper training and/or instruction.

The steps one may take to become a better/safer driver as well as help others remain safe on the road start from as little as eliminating distractions. Often times, teen related accidents are a result of distractions with or without others in the car. By eliminating these distractions and focusing on the road, one may notice their dramatic improvement of motor skills. Looking at the bigger picture, formal instruction is recommended for those who repeatedly demonstrate carelessness and risky behavior on the road. Driving is a serious manner that should not be taken light-heartedly. Although it may be viewed as a necessity, it is rather a privilege and convenience to drive which one must interpret as their own liability. Another recommendation is to take care of your own vehicle which includes checking tire pressure, refilling gas, changing oil, and getting necessary inspections. Proper functioning of the vehicle is crucial to ensure that you are not at risk or putting others at risk. Lastly, safe driving in troublesome weather is also extremely important. One must understand the risks associated with driving in heavy rain/snow as well as understand when conditions are too severe to drive at all. Knowing these limitations will certainly increase awareness and prevent accidents from occurring due to uncontrollable factors such as the weather. After all is considered, driving safely is crucial to being licensed and complete awareness while practicing driving will demonstrate positive results to reduce driving associated accidents.