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Round 3 – Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Lily Davis
From: Robbins, Tennessee
Votes: 0

Importance of Safe Driving

Importance of Safe Driving

The importance of drivers education shows that when teens take it in highschool they are less likely to be involved in serious crashes or receive violations during their first two years of driving. 11.1 percent of drivers education was involved in crashes compared to the 12.9 percent who didn’t take drivers education. Drivers education teaches you the skills you need in order to be a safe driver.

There are three ways to reduce your chance of death or serious injury in a vehicle. First, Make sure your car is kept in good condition. Like making sure your brakes are correctly working or your mirrors are in the correct place. Second, anticipate what other drivers might do.They identify behavior to help them see how other drivers will act or react. Drivers often act without thinking or communicating, so you must learn to look for those things. Lastly, protect yourself in case a wreck does happen. Many people don’t wear seat belts in their vehicle, especially teenagers, They think because they are young nothing will happen to them. Using your headlights in the dark or rain also protects you from others.

Have my friends or family or myself ever been in an accident? Yes, my mother and I were in a wreck in July. My mother unfortunately didn’t see a dark green car cause it was in the shade and when she turned she realised it was too late and the passenger side was hit. My friend was also driving irresponsibly many times, her first time she didn’t make sure that no one was behind her completely. The second was she was too close to a car in the rain and rear ended them. She had her license taken away and had to go to driving school. My last friend that i’m going to talk about is going to be a sad story. His sister and him were driving home late at night and were coming onto a curve and the road was of course wet and he was going too fast onto the curve and they flipped. They were both hurt but his sister had to be flown to the hospital. The hospital told his parents that her legs were paralized. She’s currently in a wheelchair and her speech and arm movements still need work.

There are three ways you can be a safe driver. You don’t use your cell phone while driving. If you need to use your phone: either pull over on the side of the road or have a passenger answer it for you. The second reason is keeping your hands in a good position. Keeping your hands at 9 and 3 is your best option. People don’t need to be driving with one hand on the wheel or at the very bottom of the wheel, you won’t have enough grip to keep it steady. Lastly, don’t drive if you’re not well rested. You could easily fall asleep at the wheel or think something is on the road and there really isn’t and you swerve and hit someone.