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Round 3 – Driving: Knowledge is Power

Name: Adam Neil Blevins
From: Mt. Sterling, KY
Votes: 0

Driving: Knowledge is Power

Driving Scholarship Essay

I have been driving since I received my learner’s permit at the age of 14. I, like many young teenagers, couldn’t wait to get behind the wheel of a car. Just the thought of having the freedom to be able to go where you please whenever you want is a thrilling idea. Now I am 33, and a father of 3 children, with my oldest getting ready to turn 12 next May. I realize the importance of getting behind the wheel today, as it is not only my life at stake, it is my wife and children’s life at stake, along with those who I share the roadways with.

There are multiple reasons why driver’s education is important for a young teen beginning to drive for the first time. Some reasons why it’s important is for the reduction in traffic violations, and a reduction in crashes. My wife’s friend was killed in a head on collision at 18 years of age. Her friend had worked third shift, and did not sleep well the day before, and went in to work exhausted. After her shift, she had fallen asleep at the wheel, and swerved into the lane of an oncoming dump truck. The impact killed her instantly. I do believe that had my wife’s friend taken driver’s education, she would have had the knowledge to know that driving while exhausted is like driving under the influence. It could have possibly saved her life.

I support the click-it or ticket initiative that Kentucky is taking on. I feel that this initiative is a great way to help reduce the number of deaths related to not wearing a seatbelt. Throughout the state of Kentucky in 2015 alone, there were 588 motor vehicle fatalities, which 358 of those fatalities were unrestrained drivers or passengers. (Kentucky, 2019)

I have not personally been in an accident myself. My sister was in an accident and was not wearing a seatbelt. She was thrown to the passenger side from the driver’s side of her van. She was not seriously injured, but that is why I am a big supporter of wearing a seatbelt. It only takes seconds to put one on, and it has been known to save countless lives.

Some steps that I can take to ensure that I am a better driver is to not use my cell phone while driving, and to not get upset with other drivers easily which could lead to road rage. These steps I feel can keep not only me safe, but those around me safe. Too many times have I almost been hit by someone driving and using their phone. It is an increasing issue

  • 2019 Safety Belt Usage Survey in Kentucky- KYTC. (2019). Retrieved September 17, 2020, from