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Round 3 – In The Driver’s Seat

Name: Brandi Brooks
From: Bowie, MD
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat

In the Driver’s Seat

Brandi Brooks

There are about 227 million drivers in the United States today and out of those drivers, 6 million will potentially get into a car accident. Drivers education is important in reducing the number of deaths that result from driving. This is because drivers who are educated take precaution when necessary, are more likely to wear their seatbelts, and know the skills vital for dangerous situations. There are a few steps any driver can take to help reduce the number of deaths each year. These steps are, ensure you use your seatbelt, abide by the speed limit, be cautious of other drivers when changing lanes or turning, reducing speed when increment weather is present, and follow the signs set into place for yours and others safety.

I received my license when I was 16 years old and have been driving for about 12 years now. Over the years, I have witnessed drivers driving recklessly and family members not abiding by speed limits and signs. Occasionally, you will have the one driver who is “in a rush” to get somewhere. In this case, they will be speeding above the speed limit, changing lanes aggressively, and maybe even riding behind other vehicles rear in hopes that they will speed up a little. An example of an irresponsible driver is my sister. She does not completely stop at stop signs and is known for speeding over the speed limit. When present in the vehicle, I will remind her to slow down and completely stop at stop signs before continuing to drive. I educate her about the dangers of speeding and not abiding traffic signs and overtime she has continued to improve as a driver.

It is imperative to educate others about driving safely. Steps I take to be a better driver is, abide by the speed limits, be cautious of other drivers on the road, drive according to the weather, and wear my seatbelt. The best way to help others become safer on the road is to follow the steps above. If everyone stayed alert and followed basic driving skills and rules, we may be able to lower our average of car accidents we have in the United States.