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Round 3 – In the Driver’s Seat

Name: Khayan Ryan Jefferson
From: Hillsboro, OR
Votes: 0

In the Driver’s Seat

To receive a driver’s license, you have to pass a written test that assesses your understanding of the rules of the road and a driving test that evaluates your ability to follow those rules. This is done to keep the driver and everyone else on the road safe. Without driver’s education, there would be more accidents on the road and more deaths involving automobiles. However, driver’s education should include more segments on what not to do when someone is behind the wheel. The repercussions of texting while driving are heavily talked about during driver’s education but it’s not always a text that will take a driver’s eyes off the road. Teaching drivers and even passengers simple tasks such as not playing music too loudly or eating whilst driving could also reduce the number of driving-related deaths. I have never been in a car accident myself, yet I know the possibility of being in one grows every time a family member pulls out their phone to check a text message. I have been in the car when a family member has decided to do an illegal U-turn or switched lanes without signaling. Even though they have been taught not to do so, they will do it anyways and it generates a feeling of fear and anxiety. To be a better and safer driver, I can place my phone on Do Not Disturb while I am driving and keep my eyes on the road at all times. I can drive defensively to avoid those who may not be as aware of the road. Finally, I can advise my fellow drivers to be aware of the road and follow the laws they were educated about.