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Round 3 – It Happened so Fast

Name: Gabrielle Udell
From: Adrian, MI
Votes: 40

It Happened so Fast

It happened so fast.” This is the common phrase uttered by motor accident victims. In a split second people’s lives are changed in tremendous ways whether it be through physical, mental, or emotional means. One question is whether or not there are ways in which the number of car accidents can be reduced. Is there more that needs to be done in driver’s training courses, or are there other solutions out there?

Driver education is an important foundation for young and new drivers. In the form of driver’s training courses, drivers learn all there is to know with certified instructors. These courses prepare students to abide by traffic laws and become comfortable in the driver’s seat in a safe environment. Feeling comfortable and confident while driving is key when it comes to the prevention of accidents and deaths. A driver that does not feel confident in their driving ability is more dangerous out on the road than the driver who is confident and comfortable. If these feelings can be instilled into all those who take driver education courses then our roads could be much safer.

The number of deaths related to automotive accidents has been a problem for ages. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact solution to this issue, but there are steps that can be taken to help minimize this problem. First, it is important for parents to be more aware and active when it comes to allowing their children to drive. They should not allow their children to get their license if they are irresponsible or are not fully confident enough. Secondly, there needs to be more awareness put out there on the number of deaths related to driving. There are many people out there that do not understand the danger that driving has posed around the world. Many think “that will never happen to me” until the day they find themselves in an accident. Society is full of egocentric people that need some perspective to show them how serious this problem is. At the end of the day, everyone has to do their part to be the solution to this issue.

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of automotive accidents. I have fallen victim to jamming out to music while driving. Luckily, I have never been in an accident but I cannot say the same for my friends and family. When it comes to driving, I realize I need to be more cognizant of the safety of others–the emotional toll for injuring or even worse the death of another person can weigh heavily on anyone. Patience is another important trait I need to work on when it comes to driving. When I drive impatient, that often leads to anger which is not the best way to drive safely. I think patience is something that all drivers could benefit from. With these steps, hopefully, we can turn the phrase “it happened so fast” to “it never happened at all.”