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Round 3 – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Meghan Nolan
From: Burkburnett, TX
Votes: 3

The Importance of Safe Driving

The Importance of Safe Driving

A study shows that at least 77% of car accidents are caused by the driver. This emphasizes how much power a driver truly holds when they get behind the wheel. It is very important for drivers to become educated in order to reduce the number of deaths caused by driving. Along with driver education, additional signs can be put up at gas stations, parking garages, and other places drivers are frequently at. This will keep the information fresh in their minds before getting behind the wheel. I personally have been rear ended by a distracted driver on their phone. That experience was my first time seeing an accident caused by distracted driving and it taught me how important safe driving truly is. I have personally taken the steps to always put my phone away when I’m driving and offer to send any texts for my friends while they’re driving as well.

Driver education is extremely important no matter how old you are. When teenagers first get behind the wheel, their brains are still developing so it is essential they grasp how dangerous driving really is. When you’re that young it is harder to make quick decisions wisely, so it is very important teen drivers remain undistracted and fully focused on driving. Additionally, it is also crucial that experienced drivers remain educated as well. Even though most adults have been driving for a long time, they may have forgotten some safety precautions and created bad driving habits. This is why it is important for not only teens, but also adults to brush up on their knowledge of safe driving.

In order to reduce the number of deaths related to driving we need to make sure distracted driving is at a minimum to reduce car crashes. A great way to implement this would be putting up signs where drivers are most likely to go. This would include parking garages, gas stations, malls, and anywhere else a driver can skim over important information before getting behind the wheel. Another tactic that might be more effective is the use of apps that turn your phone on do not disturb while driving. This will prevent any distractions caused by your phone. While we can’t control how everyone acts behind the wheel, we can try our best to remind them just how much power they have when driving.

Only a few months after I had gotten my license, I was rear ended at a stop sign. The driver was distracted on their phone and the accident would have been avoided if they had been paying attention to the road. That experience of seeing how much damage can be caused from looking at a little black screen, made me realize how careful people need to be when driving. I am constantly passing by cars with people on their phones. While this is highly unsafe, most people believe they are experienced enough to multitask while driving. However, this is false because a crash can happen in just a quick moment. I personally always put my phone away while driving and encourage my friends to do the same.

An abundance of car crashes and deaths every year could be avoided if people practiced safe driving. Driver education is an essential way to encourage others to be safe on the road. Reminders to not drive while distracted should also be posted in common places you would find drivers like a gas station or parking garages. Perhaps if they were constantly reminded of the dangers of driving, that would make an effort to be safe and more alert.