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Round 3 – The Last ‘LOL’

Name: Viveka Chinnasamy
From: Chandler, AZ
Votes: 0

The Last ‘LOL’

The last “LOL”

By: Viveka Chinnasamy

One of the most memorable milestones of any teenager’s life is when they turn 16 and can get a driver’s license. However, many young adults fail to see the responsibility that comes along with driving. Before operating a motor vehicle, it is crucial that the driver has a comprehensive understanding of the risks, responsibilities, and culpabilities associated with safe driving. Driving should be viewed as more than managing a metal box on wheels but instead as operating a vehicle where the safety of passengers, nearby vehicles, and innocent bystanders lies in the hands of each driver. 

While everyone on the road is required to have a license, this doesn’t guarantee a communal understanding of safety rules. Increasing technological advancements have caused a strong dependence with electronic devices across all ages. This reliance becomes dangerous when the younger, tech-savvy, generation makes up the majority of distracted drivers in accidents. At the age of 10, my mother and I got into an accident because a WhatsApp message couldn’t wait 2 minutes to be checked. Ever since, I have always had a slight fear regarding cars and found myself backseat driving in the car with her. It really got me thinking about how lucky we were to emerge unscathed, but would we still be that lucky if there was a next time? Is the death of another person really worth the “lol”? 

We can all follow certain rules to be safer drivers and reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Some possible suggestions to consider while driving include focusing on the road at all times, following the speed limit, controlling emotions, looking both ways at an intersection, maintaining a safe distance from the car in front of you, staying alert, paying attention to traffic, looking/planning ahead, not driving under the influence, and putting your phone away. Another possible avenue for safety is promoting the importance of driver education classes. These classes, required in some states, teach young adults necessary driving skills before obtaining their licenses. These classes are crucial in providing drivers with the tools (educational and experience-based) they need to drive safely. Some essential skills that can be attained through these classes include judgement development and defensive driving. By diving further into driving than any textbook could while ensuring the safety of the young driver through a certified instructor, these classes are important in reducing the number of deaths related to driving. By preparing drivers for worst case scenarios and ensuring that they are fully capable of safe driving, these classes can mean the difference between life and death for thousands of people. Beyond these suggestions, we as a society can play significant roles in ensuring a safer tomorrow. If you see or know an irresponsible driver, make sure to speak up, not just for their sake but for the other drivers on the road at risk. We each have a role in our community and must play our part to reduce the number of irresponsible and uninformed drivers.