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Round 3 – Driving Important

Name: Ronesha Brown
From: Chicago, IL
Votes: 0

Driving Important

The very important of drivers education is to keep everyone safe when driving, not just for yourself but for others like your passenger, pedestrian and other drivers. In order to reduce the number of deaths every driver needs to be cautions and eyes on the road at all times. The way driving is set up now there shouldn’t be as many accidents as there is now. If you are drunk or high or have that feeling that you can’t drive then you shouldn’t be driving at all. That’s why there are other options like lyfes, uber, cabs etc. These are there to prevent drunk driving .First steps you want to take to remain safe are , avoid drink driving .When you drink and drive it causes slow reaction time therefore it is easy to get in an accident simply have a driver for you or don’t get drunk till your at home. Occasionally when you see other driving slow its cause there not focuse there doing other things rather than begin focus on the road . A lot of states allow people to drive while using your phone but it’s obviously still not safe because a number of accidents that had happened. I belive that most postive way there is to have a phone holder in your car to aviod having to look down and around .Another majior thing about drivivg is the speed .yes going slow is irratating and not being onn ti,me for where you got to go ,but speedind is a major part of driving . The faster go ,the less reactions time you have and the more skills are necessary to avoid an accdient. As the sped climbs so do braking distance and all other force messures that can lead to speed you collisons and rollovers, its been clear to me that if you speed you willbe outdriving your headlights meaning .you wont have time to approprateily react to the unexpected when it apperas in your felid of vision. Follow the speed limit and be especially attentive atfer dark. Also when driving in a parking lot you want to move slowly and be caution at all times watching other driver and pedestrians .Yes believe it or not but i was actully a vectim off mutilpy car accdents. One of my accidents was when i was a pedestrian ,i beive i was 8 or 9 crossing the street on my bike trying to follow atfer the older kids. My older cousion was my babysitter at the time and i was trying to follow after her and the other older kids. I remerber the streets being packed with cars going backand forward and the other older kids left me and my cousin they where already down the block .My couson was to busy worried about me because i was going slow with my little bike so she dieced we where going back home .we where crossing the street and it wasnt no stop light or sign ,as we where croosing she told me to go atfer she saw there where no mor car i begin to cross then boom a black car came out of no where and hit me of the bike .Thank god i didnt break anything or misplace anything but my head was bleeding and i had a few scrachies. The driver stop they didnt hit and run they where so sorry and wanted to help the ambulame came and took me to the hopspital i was in there all nighht but i was ok . They were two leesion i learn and that was not to cross the street on a bike and to cross at a traffic light or stop sign .As a driver now satfy is first making sure everyone and bulked up and watch you speeding keep your eyes on the road

at all time .