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Round 3 – Making Drivers Ed Important

Name: Frank Magdaleno
From: El Paso , TX
Votes: 0

Making Drivers Ed Important

Frank Magdaleno

Making Drivers Ed Important

The importance of driver education can have on reducing deaths on the road can have a huge impact on many lives. Driver education teaches one the very important rules of safely driving and following the rules, so no accidents occur on behalf of the driver. There can be multiple steps which can be taken to reduce deaths one can be yearly tests to make sure a person is still capable of driving and knows the rules. It may seem as an extra inconvenient step to a driver. Taking yearly exams can be time consuming in someone’s eyes, but then again driving is a privilege and should be taken seriously.

I have unfortunately been in about 3 car accidents. One being when I was 18 years old and was hit by a car tailgating closely behind me. I’m not one to blame other people but if one were to follow the rules and leave enough space between cars just in case the car in front stops for whatever reason, you have enough space to slow down without crashing onto ongoing traffic. I have witnessed many of my friends texting and driving as well. This has taught me that even a second from looking away ahead of you can cause a huge accident.

I have occasionally thought of some steps that can help drivers be a lot safer on the roads. One major idea I’ve had is of cell phone use, if a satellite is capable of tracking you while using GPS it would be greatly beneficial if it could lock your phone while driving as well. In the case a cell phone is necessary it would be adjusted to voice answer and voice reading texts being received and sent. Any small detail that causes a driver to remove their eyes from the road can be life threatening and anyway to help reduce this would be to a great benefit.

Many other steps can be taken as far as assuring drivers can be as safe as possible on the roads. Another step that can be taken is the focus of driver’s ed and safety. If possible, I believe describing and explaining the possibilities that can occur while driving would really help many while on the road. For example, you can be the best driver out there driving on the roads, yet someone may cause an accident that wasn’t remaining focused and was distracted. So, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings. I also believe it’d be a good idea once a person begins to obtain multiple speeding ticket violations it’d be a great step of the state to apply a drive wise monitors to ensure the driver is following on the road rules and not speeding or causing any violations.