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Round 3 – Yes, take the Drivers Education Course!

Name: Kayla Bartolet
From: Norfolk, Virginia
Votes: 0

Yes, take the Drivers Education Course!

Drivers Education is important for a variety of different factors. Within the class they are able to learn from a teacher who has knowledge with teaching students to drive, up to date information in regard to road rules and some classes even offer a simulation to test before taking on driving in a real car. In Drivers Education they can sit in the class and learn the road rules and signs rather than taking a book home to learn from. If more students are exposed to the driver’s education course rather than learning from their parents or waiting until a specified age, they can have a better understanding with practice and experience.

A very large step the students who are learning to drive need to take is to make sure all passengers including themselves wear a seatbelt. The seatbelts should always be worn no matter the distance or speed. Once it becomes a routine to put it on as soon as you get into the car it will start to be an automatic habit. I feel that young adults should not be allowed to drive others until a certain age where they can usually make better decisions. Young drivers should also not be allowed to drive at night until a certain age where they need to prove that they have been driving safe during the day to be able to handle driving at night. If they are able to drive accurately and can follow the rules during day time driving then to get some experience for night driving they should be required to have an adult of a certain age drive with them for a required amount of time so they are comfortable.

I have absolutely been in the vehicle of someone who was driving irresponsibly. I gave an ultimatum of to either let me drive or I was taking their keys until they are in an appropriate mindset to be driving. I refuse to put my life and possibly someone else’s in someone’s hands. I have also seen a family member drive irresponsibly as the left or arrived where I was. I usually spoke my mind and explained the severity of the situation if something serious would have happed.

I am a big believer of the seatbelt and it is something that I almost never forget to put on. I have taught my child the importance of the seatbelt and she is good about automatically putting hers on as well. To make myself a better driver I need to adhere to the speed limit laws and always make sure to double check every turn, light and sign. I could do better with limiting my distractions as well. I really enjoy music in all aspects of my life but tend to jam out in my car and I do sometimes worry it could be too much of a distraction while driving.

A way to help others be a safer driver is to make sure they are wearing seatbelts whether it is in my car or not and to make sure all distractions are put away. If there is a road trip planned be sure to help the driver out with directions and signs and be sure to have the music to an appropriate level. All signs need to be read and understood too.

Essay Question

Please answer the following prompt in essay format with 500-750 words.

Pick an experience from your life and explain how it has influenced your educational and personal development.

Deadline is November 30th, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.

Qualifying applicants will answer the essay question provided with a response between 500-750 words.