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Round 3 – Pay attention

Name: Sarah G O'Brien
From: Lafayette, IN
Votes: 0

Pay attention

The importance of driver education to prevent deaths is extreme. The more people know about the roads the fewer crashes and lives lost there will be. For example, if somebody were to turn down a one-way road because they didn’t know what the sign meant this could easily cause a crash, proving driver education to be a necessity. Driver education also teaches learners about how bad texting and driving is, this helps prevent crashes due to texting and driving. Steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths would be even more driver’s education requirements before you start to drive. I think this will help anybody about to get their license to for sure know how to drive on the roads, and to keep that knowledge in their brain. I think there could be tested night drives, videos on what to do if your car breaks down, more in-depth about how important it is to pay attention while driving. Another step that could be taken is more training every 5 years or so. I think sometimes people forget the rules of the road and it wouldn’t hurt to refresh people’s memory. This would be beneficial to everybody driving to help express the importance of driving safety.

I have recently been in a car crash. I was driving safely and I was peacefully driving on the road when a driver who was on their phone and not paying attention side-swiped me. This caused me to have severe trauma to my head and had to go to the hospital for hours. This crash has made me terrified to drive because I could be obeying the rules of the road and paying attention and somebody else could easily crash into me even when it is not my fault. This is another reason to be careful on the road because you never know the impact a crash could have on somebody else. Some steps I can take to better others as a driver is to explain to my friends that driving is a serious thing that cannot be messed around with. My friends tend to drive fast and normally I am the one to tell them to slow down. I could better myself by turning down the music while driving. I tend to drive with my music loud which could potentially cause me to delay an ambulance or get hit by an ambulance. I will continue to better myself driving and continue to try to better others for the sake of others on the road.