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Round 3 – The Importance of Driver’s Ed

Name: Isabel Talamantez
From: San Antonio, Texas
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver’s Ed

The Importance of Driver’s Ed

In 2019, there were about 33,800 people who died in a car accident, and 4.4 million people got injured. I just started driving and those numbers scare me. If you want a job then you need to go to college and get an education. If you want to get better at a sport then you practice. Just like all these examples, you need to get trained and practice driving before you can get your license. Driving Fatalities can decrease if more Americans followed every law of the road rather than driving lazy.

Since we were children, we went to school and started learning our colors and shapes and how to read. Without that knowledge, we could not do simple everyday tasks. The driver’s education is the same way. When you turn 15 years old you can enroll in a driver’s education program and start learning the rules of the road. If they let everyone jump into the driver’s seat without any sort of knowledge of the road, then there would be far more deaths and accidents. In Driver’s Ed, you learn what and what not to do on the road as well as how to do it. Students who took the time to take drivers ed are less likely to get involved in an accident. Students who drive illegally and irresponsibly without any driver’s education are more likely to cause the accident and kill an innocent citizen.

While in driving school, take notes so you can refer to them. There are thousands of rules of the road that sometimes you need a refresher on how to do something. As you drive, you don’t want to say “Oh shoot who has the right of way” or “dang it, what way do I turn the wheel when I park uphill?” Every so often you should refer to your notes to refresh your brain. Also, make sure you do not drive with distractions. I’ve heard stories where mothers were too busy occupying their children or changing a diaper and were not paying attention to the road. Later they get in a crash and kill herself and her children. Another thing you see is teenagers blasting their music and jamming with their friends when they drive. The driver is distracted by having a party in their car, they are not aware of other cars around them.

Last year my friends and I were on our way to region auditions and one of my friends was driving us there. We pulled into Mcdonalds so then we could eat before auditions. When we were turning into the parking lot, I guess my friend did not see the car but there was another vehicle who was going straight and we needed to turn. We are supposed to yield to that car before we can turn. We were probably 3 inches away from being hit. The crazy thing is my friend is a really good driver and I trust her. However, it was probably her 3rd-month driving so she was still new. That situation makes me think that maybe 6 months is too short. Maybe new drivers need their permits for a longer time. Or more driving hours before they can get their license. I know for a fact that 16-21-year-olds are involved in far more car crashes because they are still new to driving.

I am more than halfway through with my driving hours so soon I will get my license. To better myself, I am going to get more driving hours then I am supposed to. I feel that more practice does not hurt because practice makes perfect. I am very cautious on the road because I am scared. My mom was involved in a serious crash that caused her to lose two disks in her spine. Now she is disabled at an early age. I do not want that to happen so before I drive I make sure I am clear of any distractions and I am always paying attention to the road and other drivers. I make sure I have good driving posture such as hands at 10 and 2, sitting up, and mirrors are in a comfortable position. I would seriously hate to be responsible for injuring another citizen or injuring myself and being in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.