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Round 3 – Driver Education Essay Jeto-Rivar Sanon

Name: Jeto-Rivar Sanon
From: Beloit , Wisconsin
Votes: 4

Driver Education Essay Jeto-Rivar Sanon

According to the National Motor Vehicle and Safety Administration, motor vehicle crashes are the number one safety problem in American transportation. Several factors can cause such rates. One example would be drivers who don’t follow traffic rules. Some younger drivers feel the excitement and rush of the road and don’t attend to the traffic rules as well. Additionally, drivers who are impaired or much older and have not kept up to date on the current traffic laws are at risk for causing a preventable traffic fatality. Furthermore, location also plays a significant role. As the population increases, so do the number of cars on the road, which means that now more than ever, up-to-date driver education is necessary to lower fatality rates. Getting a driver’s license is one of the first steps toward independence and freedom. It’s a sign of becoming an adult and with that, a hefty amount of responsibility. My mom always said, “When you drive, you’re not only driving for you. You’re driving for everyone around you.” It’s a quote that I carry with me every time I put my key into the ignition and drive out on the road. I make an effort to be aware of my surroundings and apply what I’ve learned in driver’s education to real-life situations on the road because I can be saving both my life and the lives of others.

Many steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. The first would be a driver safety requirement course that drivers begin taking when they first obtain a driver’s license. Drivers would be required to take it every year through physical or online courses. Another step is increasing sign visibility that states the importance of following traffic rules like yielding for pedestrians and wearing a seatbelt. A vital campaign that should be funded is one that discourages drinking and driving. According to the National Motor Vehicle and Safety Administration, drunk driving results in almost 10,000 fatalities a year. Advocating harder against drug and alcohol use while driving can help lower the number of deaths. In congested areas, stricter traffic enforcement rules should be set up to create a smoother traffic flow.

When it comes to learning about the importance of staying alert on the road, I’ve had the experience of being in a car accident was when I was about twelve years old that made me view driving as something that requires full attention. The accident was one of the most frightening experiences in my life. It happened on my older brother’s prom day. His friend was recklessly driving with three people in the car, including myself. He ran a red light while a pickup truck who had the right of way began moving forward. Luckily, he saw us in the speeding car coming closer and closer to his truck, and he came to a quick stop. His quick thinking allowed my brother’s friend to swerve by a bus stop and hit the car brakes at the right moment. No one was hurt, and thankfully, the car was not damaged. However, at that moment, I learned how dangerous reckless driving is and that every move matters. I’ve carried this experience with me ever since. Some steps that I can take to become a better and safer driver and to never have that experience again would be to follow traffic rules. Yielding for pedestrians, wearing a seatbelt, and obeying the speed limit are just some of the many steps I can take every time I drive. Being aware of my surroundings and making sure to keep up-to-date with traffic laws can help me stay knowledgeable and alert in order to protect myself and those around me. Knowing that I’m saving lives by not drinking and driving helps me become a safer driver. Practicing good driving on the road creates positive habits that will benefit and help me to stay as safe and as vigilant as possible.