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Round 3 – Stay Buckled

Name: Zena Al-Saidali
From: Monterey , California
Votes: 0

Stay Buckled

Zena Al-Saidali

Sept 21,2020

Stay Buckled

Driving is essential everywhere, especially in the United States. Being U.S residents, we all know how important it is to have a driver’s license and a car from the get-go. USA states permit as young as 16-year-old to drive. With our busy lives, schedule, and the urge to pursue the American Dream whether by driving to your school, to your college, to your dream job, to your meetings and functions and etc.; Driving is your best friend to succeed in this life. Looking at it from a different perspective, most America’s neighborhoods, suburban areas, and cities aren’t walkable or more like “safely” walkable. They are designed modernly as generations evolve. This means, in order for people to go to places, enter neighborhoods and etc., a car is definitely needed. Even public transportation isn’t easy to use or helpful in most cases. As driving and owning a car is reliving and advantageous, it has the darkest side you can imagine.

An average of 34,000 people dies annually due to car accidents. According to studies, those death cases yearly exceed the death cases resulted from past wars that America has been in. How crazy you may think? How frightening I maybe? Is the feeling rushing inside of me. In this case, Driver education should be our second best friend when we want to go from place to place. The purpose of Driver education is to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for vehicle safety both as a driver and as a pedestrian. We all know knowledge is power. In this case, it is power and holding responsibility. We can’t assume us as people know everything. Humans naturally make mistakes due to a lack of awareness. By having the mentality that we as humans aren’t perfect and knowledgeable of everything and we are open to criticism and learning every day; then more people will be open to taking Drivers education classes seriously as if our lives are dependent on it. So when more people take drivers education soberly and openly, they tend to learn important tips that a driver should take every time they hit the road. As for pedestrians, getting that education will make them more conscious when walking around cars. When the majority finally comprehend the danger of driving and put the tips they learned to avoid accidents into action, then fewer death cases will be marked yearly.

As we finished looking over the first step of the journey to help reduce death cases due to driving; let us finish it with more steps that should be taken to action while driving. We should follow the Always/Never rule when we hop in the car. ALWAYS insist that all passengers buckle up in every seat. According to the Motor Vehicle Safety division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this reduces injuries and deaths in accidents by 50%. NEVER get behind the wheel if you are impaired by alcohol or other drugs. Keeping in mind that even one can compromise your ability to drive. Not forgetting that even prescribed medications by a doctor may have an adverse effect on you and make you sleepy. ALWAYS use a designated driver to ensure that you and others arrive safely at your destinations, even when it may be convenient. NEVER think that being on time for a business meeting or function is worth risking your life or others in the car as well. Always drive at a speed that you are 100% confident is safe. Never determine a safe driving speed based solely on the road signs. Always consider the conditions. NEVER overestimate your ability to multitask. If you need to answer a call or send a text message, get off the road, and do so. ALWAYS keep in mind that distractions aren’t only from cell phones, it can be from fast food you are eating while driving or a drink you are sipping when taking a turn. NEVER fall to the prey that it will never happen to you. None of the drivers who crashed knew they were going to make an accident on that day.

With all honesty, those tips came from online searching and articles, but personally saying, the following tips are what I think are ideal as well to reduce deaths relating to driving. First off, read about the recent car accidents. Watch videos of people who have been in a tragic accident. This will create a sudden recognition of the danger of distraction on the road. Pshycologicly speaking, your brain will create scenarios as if you were the one in the car crash and died or if someone you love died as well which will create a defensive response and more awareness and focus when hitting the road. Furthermore, an idea I have always had in mind to reduce accidents and raise knowledge is to require high schoolers to take a driver’s education class, a minimum of two years in their high school years in order to graduate. They as well get tested on the information they learn in class. Moving on, I personally witnessed car crashes right in front of my eyes. One time too, my dad was making a turn when this motorcycle suddenly speeds in that same lane where my dad ends up hitting the guy. Thank god everyone was safe, but the adrenaline rush was real. It took me a solid 5 minutes to recollect my thoughts. It was chilling. All in all, we always have to keep in mind that driving isn’t a joke. When we have passengers with us, we are responsible to keep them safe. It is a top priority to have our seatbelt on. Car music isn’t too loud where we can’t hear our surroundings and we aren’t driving under the influence of any drug or alcohol. Be sure you follow the signs and basic driving instructions. Holding accountability for your death or anybody’s death is a huge life-changing experience and a traumatizing event. People would end up viewing themselves differently after a tragic accident and doubting themselves in everything from ne second of distraction on the road.