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Round 3 – Drivers Ed Essay

Name: Analysa G Carmona
From: Lubbock, Texas
Votes: 0

Drivers Ed Essay

Over six million car accidents happen in the United States every year. In 2019, over thirty-eight thousand people lost their lives to car accidents. A few main causes of car accidents are distracted or reckless driving and driving under the influence. The cautionary measures that have been implemented are not enough because to prevent these accidents. People must begin taking their life and others on the road seriously to see a decrease in car accidents.

Driver education is great for learning how to take responsibility while driving. A few things this course teaches you are making sure you as the driver are in the right state of mind. Ensuring you are healthy, awake, and prioritizing your safety and others first. Another step is ensuring your car is working properly. Check the signal, brake, and headlights, fluid levels, and tire pressure. One of the most important things driver’s education can teach you are the rules of the road. The course exposes you to all the information you need to know about driving and requires you to demonstrate it in your driving in front of an instructor. Drivers’ education not only prepares you to be on the road, but it also educates you on how to prevent car accidents.

Thankfully, I have never been in a car accident but, I have had my fair share of family members who have. One of the worse tragically ended in the death of a younger cousin. Experiencing the death of a loved one that could have been prevented is something I wish no one had to go through. However, this death taught my family the importance of taking driving earnestly. I hate the reason that kickstarted the movement of better driving in my family, but I am grateful that it finally began.

A few ways my family and I have implemented safe driving skills is by taking responsibility for each other. A great way is through an app that provides access to view how others are driving. It displays the number of drives, the top speed that occurred, and the phone usage during those drives. It can also provide more detailed information such as any hard breaking or fast acceleration. Another way we stay safe is by ensuring each and everyone in the car is wearing a seatbelt and in the proper seat. Whether it be a child in a booster seat, or only teenagers older than thirteen in front, we make sure everyone is where they need to be.

Along with the cautionary measures previously discussed, there are much more than can be done. People must stop underestimating the power of following the rules and regulations of the road. Going the speed limit, wearing a seatbelt, and no drinking or texting while driving are just a few ways you can decrease the risks of being in a car accident. It is now 2020 and car accidents are still prevalent. We as a country need to recognize how significant an issue this is and act upon doing better to prevent car accidents.