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Round 3 – Don’t Risk your Life

Name: Brennan Clark
From: Saint Petersburg, FL
Votes: 0

Don’t Risk your Life

The topic of driver’s education is very important especially in the todays modern age when the newest things are showing up. Drivers education can help young drivers become more confident in their driving ability that they never thought they could. The course allows you to practice every necessary skill that you need on the real road, and this course reduces the number of deaths as it gives the student the time to get comfortable and practice driving before they do their driving licensing test. Now that the student has a permit or drivers license it is up to them alone on how safe they are driving, as they are the driver. When it comes to reducing the numbers of death related to driving, one thing everyone can do is get re educated in a driver’s education course. Another thing we could do is always go the speed limit and never go past it as the speed is set at that speed for our safety. These two examples can drastically change the driving environment if everyone did so with patience instead of rushing to get to their destination. Now personally I have never had that experience, however I have seen my family driveway above the speed limit that was posted on the signs. This told me that they were rushing to get to the destination, however it is not safe to drive faster than the posted speed limit, even if you are just trying to stay with traffic. Another thing was one of my friends, she got into a major car accident when she ran a red light. I will not describe in detail what happened; however, it was very bad and both people including my friend needed to go to the hospital. This alone comes with its consequences, and major things were changing for my friend the days after this occurred. The steps that can be taken are to ignore all distractions and note that it is your life and others lives on the line. To remember if you are tired, drunk, or on medication that inhibits your driving ability then do not drive. These things can get you into a bad wreak and it is not worth the time and or your life to risk driving in those conditions. Overall, the ways to show others on how to be a safe is to be a prime example of a safe driver on the road itself. To show others the way you must be the one that drives safely and correctly, as if you were to show a child how to play a new instrument you have to be the prime example.