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Round 3 – There is No Car Crash Immunity

Name: Mia Ruiz
From: San Bernardino, CA
Votes: 0

There is No Car Crash Immunity

Mia Ruiz

3 September 2020

CSU San Bernardino

There is No Car Crash Immunity

They say that your life flashes before your eyes when facing what could possibly be your death. Memories might flood back of your fondest moments, your greatest regrets, and any little moments in between.

But when I was struck in a car accident, all I remember is darkness and the feeling of my car spinning out.

It was approximately 1 A.M. when another driver had run a red light and totalled both of our cars, leaving us dazed and confused amidst smoke, debris, inflated airbags, and the smell of burnt rubber. To be frank, it was incredibly lucky that I left the scene with nothing more than a headache and some bruises. But the other driver left in an ambulance. Had she hit me just a moment earlier than she did, I might have left with her.

Two years later, I still think about that driver. To my knowledge, she thankfully wasn’t critically wounded. I hope that she recovered quickly from any injuries and managed to pay the resulting costs, but even still; driving without a license, insurance, or her headlights put our lives at serious risk.

According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, 3700 people die in fatal crashes every day. The average person thinks they’re safe once they’ve buckled themselves in. While seatbelt safety is of vital importance, it’s only one step of the process; drivers must be even more proactive about their safety while on the road. Countless unexpected events can occur between point A and point B.

Too many drivers are guilty of forgetting this simple truth: Without regard for our personal safety and the safety of those around us, cars are like weapons. Despite this truth, if you go for a drive on any given day, you’re bound to witness at least one car flying past at extreme speeds, swerving between lanes. It’s all fun and games – until someone gets hurt.

So buckle up, but don’t stop there. Safe driving takes more than just passing your driving test. Everything we learned from these tests must be applied every time we drive. Using your blinkers, checking your blind spots, following speed limits, driving sober, keeping your hands and eyes away from your phones – these are all rules we take for granted. Of course we know how to follow these rules, of course we know how to drive.

But remember: Mistakes are not reserved solely for new drivers. Years of driving experience are not an excuse to slack off behind the wheel. Road safety calls for alertness, awareness, and constant consideration of the drivers, bikers, and pedestrians with whom you share the road. Pay attention to your surroundings, and keep your eyes peeled. We may think we know every traffic law there is to know, and that may be true; but these laws are useless if we forget that they apply to us. Because whether you are a new driver, or an experienced driver – nobody is immune to a car crash.