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Round 3 – Tips For Safe Driving

Name: Roop Chahal
From: Grangeville, Idaho
Votes: 0

Tips For Safe Driving

Roop Chahal

Driving is something that many people, including myself, take for for granted. People rush into things, do small tasks such as check their phone, change the song or radio station or even look at themselves in the mirror while driving which can result in big consequences. These things might seem like small, quick tasks but they can have a negative result. When you drive you always need to be cautious of your surroundings and always make sure to follow the rules of the road. Sometimes having friends in the car can make you want to break the rules to act “cool” in front of them, but that is very dangerous. As you sit at the wheel, thinking about keeping yourself and others in the vehicle safe is your number one priority. And to do that make sure to practice safe driving and to always follow the rules of the road.

When driving there are a lot of things that you can do to prevent a road accident. Multitasking is a big factor that results in accidents. Even glancing at your phone can prove to be fatal. What you can do is make sure your full attention is on the road. If needed, you can tell your friend or family, whoever you’re sitting with, to not be distracting or not do any irrational things. You might not like it then, but it will most definitely help in the long run. Peer pressure is also a thing, not only in the car, but from outside peers too. Yes, sometimes friends tend to get crazy when you’re driving together and they encourage you to go faster than the speed limit which is very dangerous. But when you’re driving and you’re about to pass someone you know or are trying to impress you can also engage in risky behavior such as blasting your music or driving recklessly past them. As a teen myself I have seen and even done some of the experiences. No matter how much of a daredevil you are, you always need to think about the safety of yourself and others in the vehicle and what the consequences can be.

I have personally never been in an accident nor have any of my close family members. My mom is a very cautious driver and so is my cousin and his family. The only family member that I have seen that is close to reckless driving is my dad. It isn’t really considered reckless, but he does tend to speed sometimes, make hasty turns, and not use turn signals/lights. This behavior in his perspective is excused because he has been driving for 25 plus years in big cities such as Las Vegas and LA. Ever since I became a driver I noticed these small things. We’ve never gotten into an accident and he always seemed to know what he was doing. However, this behavior can not be excused, no matter who you are. It is not that my dad is careless, because everytime I drive with him he always gives me helpful and safe tips that you would learn from your driver’s ed instructor. It is that he has gotten into the routine of driving a certain way in our familiar town. However, when we visit other places he is more careful as would any logical person visiting a foreign place. The point is, no matter who you are and what your age is, you will always think you have “got it” or have a certain way and to “not worry”, but there is always room for worry when you’re doing things that are considered “reckless driving.”

A couple steps you can take to become a better and safe driver are to always be prepared before you hit the road. This includes setting a certain playlist you like so you don’t get distracted on the way and keep changing it, putting the phone out of sight and switching off. Cell phone use is a huge distraction especially on the road. The sound of a text message or call can be tempting and you’ll want to pick it up, but putting it away can lessen the urge. Check that you have everything and make sure everything in the car is in your liking before you begin your journey. And always, always remember, safe driving shouldn’t be a motivator, it should be discipline.