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Round 3 – Drivers Education or Something Bigger?

Name: Joseph Smith
From: Ringgold, Georgia
Votes: 0

Drivers Education or Something Bigger?

Driver’s Education or Something More?

Although I have never been in an accident, I have seen what can cause them. Students do not have to totally prove they can drive other than doing a 5-minute driving course and an online course that teaches absolutely nothing. Students actually pay other students to take the class for them because the class is so bad. Most students get in a car at 16 years of age with very little true experience driving.

So what is the issue?

I feel two things need to happen. Students need to take a true student driver course with an instructor other than a parent or guardian. Why spend millions of dollars on an online class that gives no real driver experience. Spend that money to fund a real class. Along with that, I feel phone companies and car manufacturers owe a debt to society. They should help fund these classes as well as coming up with technology to stop distracted drivers. Phones should shut off when you get in a car and drive. There is no reason for phone use unless you are at a complete stop, with your car in park. We can have a car drive for us, why can we not find a way to limit phone usage while one drives. Sure you can tell a teenager or even an adult to put their phone in the trunk of the car, but no one does it.

In order to make a real change and see fewer accidents, society needs to change what they are doing. Stop spending millions of dollars on campaigns and information that does not change the behavior of the driver.