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Round 3 – Safety driving

Name: Karina Montemayor
From: McAllen, Texas
Votes: 0

Safety driving

Drivers education is important to know what Safety precautions and how to be a safe driver. Being a safety driver is very important; it protects you and everyone around you. For someone who hasn’t taken this class it would be very important to them to know what the precautions are. It can reduce the numbers of deaths by learning the safety rules and laws of driving. 12.9% of people that were involved in car crashes did not take driver’s education. Only 2.1% of people who took driver’s ed were involved in car crashes. That is a huge difference from people who have not taken drivers education.

Some steps that you can do to have a better understanding of being a safety driver, is to put all the distractions away, focus on the road, and stay clear of alcohol and drugs. Distractions can be one of the reasons People get into car crashes. Sometimes it could be mentally terrifying for some people to be in cars which causes them to overthink and get distracted. Everyone should be well aware of road signs and what the meaning of them is. Having a safe distance from the vehicle can prevent collision with another. There are many distractions like texting, talking on the phone, and just being on our phones. 8.5% of Motor Vehicles accidents were caused by distracted drivers in 2019. Taking away the distractions can increase our percentage of Motor vehicle crashes. Everyday, 28 people have died as a result of drunk driving crashes on average.

Whenever I go into a vehicle someone is driving irresponsibly and getting distracted by many things. My family sometimes passes the red light. When I was younger I was in a car accident and didn’t know what was going on. The other vehicle was under influence which made him not think clearly. The other vehicle hit us on our bumper, but thankfully no one got hurt. He was taken to prison and made him realize what he had done. Driving responsibly is important to everyone around you. You’re not only making sure you’re safe but, you also have to pay attention to the other cars. Every single time I hear that there was an accident that involves someone under influence or someone that was distracted, it hurts me. It brings back to when I was younger in that accident because it’s something you will never forget. It was a terrifying experience and I don’t want to go through that again.

What I would do to become a safer driver, is to put all the distractions away and focus on the road. I want to learn more about the laws and the road signs to have a better understanding of how to become a better driver and should not be in a motor vehicle accident. For me I get distracted very easily, and I want to put those distractions behind and focus on the road. Everyone should do the same to keep others safe.