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Round 3 – Drivers Education Essay

Name: Jose Luis Garza
From: Mission, Texas
Votes: 0

Drivers Education Essay

Jose L. Garza

September 18, 2020

Drivers Education Essay

Drivers Education Essay

When driving, “Why should I care? I’m a good driver I’ll never crash”. Most people who think like this are teenagers who just got into driving and believe they are good enough to avoid crashes and be attentive. According to the NHTSA, 3255 teenagers ranging from ages 15 to 19 were involved in fatal car crashes because they were distracted by their phone or friends. Teenagers should learn the Driving Regulations to reduce the number of deaths per year and make the road safer for other teenage drivers.

How could we prevent car crashes and make the road a better place?” One may ask. In reality, no matter the precautions you take to keep yourself safe, if the Other Driver isn’t educated on what to do, they could crash into you. So that’s why we need to be stricter during Drivers Education to teach teenagers what to do in certain situations correctly. For example, they could make Drivers Ed. more difficult to pass and be more informative on what to do in certain high-risk situations. These precautions might not stop all car crashes, but it could quickly reduce the number of car crashes we see per year. The key to preventing car crashes is to inform the Driver of the risks and results that could happen if he doesn’t pay attention and how it could affect others.

The number one most significant leading cause of car accidents nowadays are distracted drivers. Distracted Drivers, especially Teenagers, ignore the road and instead focus on their phones, friends, and various other things. Teenagers are still in the phase of growing and are nowhere near as mature as adults, so it’s easy for them to become distracted and crash. Even your friends could be a bad influence on you while driving. According to the NHTSA, “teen drivers were two-and-a-half times more likely to engage in one or more potentially risky behaviors when driving with one teenage peer, compared when driving alone.” Teenagers also get away by running red lights, ignoring stop signs, and doing illegal turns. What happens if you do it again, but this time you don’t get away with it and instead are involved in a Fatal Accident just because you thought it was “clear” and no cars were coming. Follow all traffic regulations and laws, and you’ll reduce your chance of getting involved in a car crash.

Finally, always keep yours on the road, hands on the wheel all the time. It doesn’t matter if you need to answer a phone call or respond to a friend. Don’t act carelessly because you never know if, in the next 5 seconds, you’re in a car crash because you decided to respond to that text from your friend. It can wait because your life is precious, and you only have one. The idea everyone should always have in their minds is to Drive Safe, Be Attentive, and Do not Act Stupid.