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Round 3 – Seriously, Be Safe

Name: Madison G Davison
From: McKinney, Texas
Votes: 0

Seriously, Be Safe

Seriously, Be Safe

As a teenage driver, I completed a driver education course just a few years ago. Like many students, I’ll admit, I was not excited about taking the class and just wanted to get finished and get out on the road. However, I was very surprised by how much I learned in my course and appreciate the awareness I gained through my driver education.

Driver education presents many basic principles of driving: driving mechanics, safety awareness, and surprising statistics about the number of accidents and fatalities on the road each year. Certainly, for new drivers the information and instruction provided in driver education courses is a significant tool in teaching new driver safety, teaching a healthy respect for the seriousness of operating a vehicle and helping to reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving.

With so many driver related deaths occurring each year, certainly further steps need to be taken to reduce this tragedy. I think that cars should have internal sensors that alarm if a driver makes multiple lane changes in a rapid succession. Perhaps all vehicles should have an interlock type device that would detect alcohol and then not start. It is truly staggering to read about all of the alcohol/vehicle related accidents and deaths that occur every year.

I have never been in a serious vehicle accident and I am very thankful for that. My parents are very safe drivers and have instilled in me a healthy fear to be aware at all times when I am driving a vehicle. I also do not get into a car with a friend driving unless I trust that friend to be a safe driver. I have certainly heard of other teenage drivers around me driving irresponsibly. I remind myself that when I am driving, I am also responsible for the safety of others.

When I drive, I keep the radio at a normal level, have the windows up, monitor my speed and pay attention to the warning indicators in my car. I do not text and drive and only answer the phone through my Bluetooth speakers. I encourage all my friends to use these safe driving practices as well. I also try to be very aware of the other drivers around me at all times. Driving a car is a privilege and a rite of passage. It is very exciting to drive independently for the first time. However, we always need to remember and remind those around us that it is also a great responsibility to realize the power and devastation that can be caused by a vehicle or a careless driver. Hopefully I can be a good influence for my peers on safe driving practices and they can pass the message on to others as well. We want to live the full lives that are ahead of us and not live with a tragedy of driving that we might cause or be involved in. We’re just getting started!