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Round 3 – Take A Moment

Name: Charlotte Redmond
From: Southfield Road, Middlesborough
Votes: 0

Take A Moment

The first time I ever got in a car to learn to drive I was told I should always be paying attention and to keep learning because a car is not just a car; it is a dangerous weapon that can kill you and others if not driven properly.

This one moment has stuck with me and I believe that every person ever learning to drive should be told this.

Speeding, talking on the phone, breaking just a bit too slow. All can have serious impacts to people’s lives. People need to keep educating themselves on the dangers of all these things, because at the end of the day it may not be just their life they ruin, but somebody else’s as well.

To reduce the number of deaths related to driving I believe that more speed awareness courses should be made available to everybody, young and old. But crucially, more ad campaigns highlighting not just the legal consequences of irresponsible driving, but the human casualties of it.

Being a better, safer driver doesn’t necessarily mean more effort or spending more money on gadgets and gizmos for your vehicle. It simply means not speeding, taking an extra moment to double-check the road is clear before moving away and giving other road users more space.

Additionally, if you are a passenger, you still have a role to play.

To speak up if you don’t feel safe, if they’re speeding, if they’re on their phone. You need to speak up, not end up as just another statistic.

Cars, vans, trucks, motorbikes etc – all are dangerous weapons that can kill you and others if not driven properly. Watch your speed, give way, double-check mirrors. If we all take more time, just spend an extra moment to check, then we can all look forward to a world with fewer deaths related to driving.