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Round 3 – Life Behind the Wheel

Name: Sophia Orm
From: Eagle, ID
Votes: 28

Life Behind the Wheel

Sophia Orm

Drivers Education Scholarship Essay

21 October 2020

Life Behind the Wheel

Everyone remembers the fear and anticipation they had when they took the driver’s skills and written test. Everyone remembers the relief they experienced when they learned they had passed, and their brand-new, shiny license was handed to them. You had learned every rule that applied to the road and the car you drive. You knew when to stop, when to go, how long to keep your blinker on, and you knew not to distract yourself. As time passed with your license and your car, you became more comfortable. You have been able to drive for six months. You could speed just a little bit, and checking your phone cannot be that bad, right? More time passes, you have had your license for a year now. You text more, and sometimes you forget your blinker. You know how to drive, it should be fine. You eat lunch as you drive, and ten over the speed limit can’t hurt anyone. If no cops are around, you can’t get caught. You are living your life behind the wheel.

One night, you are driving home from a party. You trust yourself and your driving ability and think that you won’t be affected by just one beer. Your buzz is not even that bad. You see your phone buzz. It is your boyfriend. He wants to know if you want to hang out tomorrow. You pick up your phone to respond, not even stopping to look up. If you had not picked up the phone or if you had looked up or if you had not had that beer, maybe you would have noticed the car in front of you hitting their brakes. Instead, you slam into them. Yes, your car is totaled, but that is not the worst of it. There were kids in the backseat of the car. You killed one of them, the youngest child. He was going to turn five next month. You were too obsessed with living your life behind the wheel.

You had passed driver’s education and thought you could forget it all. You can’t. Driver’s education classes teach you what you need to be safe and survive on the road. It teaches you to protect yourself and others. Driver’s education is there to keep us alive. If you had listened and took it all to heart, maybe that kid would be okay.

To prevent the thousands of deaths that happen every year on the road, there are a couple steps you must do. Always focus on the road and your surroundings. Put your phone away in a pocket or bag. If you get distracted by the noise, silence it or turn it off completely. Do not drink and drive under any circumstances. Do not text and drive under any circumstances. Do not speed. Do not eat and drive. Always use your blinkers and rearview mirrors. Do these steps and you will be able to keep living behind the wheel.