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Round 3 – Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Iliana Rosas Bernal
From: Irvine, CA
Votes: 0

Importance of Drivers Education

The number of deaths per year that are caused by driving has been incredibly high these last few years. Implementing laws that require teenagers to have a form of studying can allow a reduction of these rates. Driver Education is important because it allows drivers to obtain the information they did not previously have. Having this knowledge would reduce the number of mistakes a driver would originally commit because they are being more cautious when they are on the road. In order to reduce the number of deaths related to driving, individuals should ONLY drive with a license or a permit with an adult. No individual should drive without any documentation that confirms that they can operate a vehicle safely. Further steps that should be taken is preventing intoxicated individuals from driving. There are always alternatives to getting someone to their destination without causing danger. My mother and I were in a car accident that injured my mother (the driver). My mom was driving and had the right of way when a car made an illegal U turn and slammed into my mom’s side of the car. This caused our car to skid off to the side. My mom had a fractured arm and shoulder because of this accident which required her to go to therapy for six months. However, the driver that crashed into our car blamed my mother, saying she was in the way when she was making a turn. All this was because the driver was not informed on the rules or the signs when driving. She put my mom and I and other drivers in danger because of her lack of knowledge. Steps I can take to be a better driver are to take courses and read the DMV handbook to inform myself on the rules. I can also obtain my permit before driving, which I am doing in the following days. Overall, Driver Education is important to me because it helps prevent accidents and other types of danger. I know the pain and feeling of being in an accident that was caused by a lack of knowledge and I do not wish for others to experience this.