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Round 3 – Distracted Driving on Rise

Name: Regan Adams
From: Yorba Linda, CA
Votes: 7

Distracted Driving on Rise

The rise in the number of road accidents and road fatalities is indeed worrying There are numerous studies that show drivers between the ages of 16 and 18 are among those most likely to be involved in a car crash. It stands to reason that taking a driver’s education course would help to swing the odds in favor of young drivers. Drivers education courses thoroughly cover each state’s traffic laws, it actually helps new drivers learn the skills that are essential to the safe operation of a car – skills that may help a driver maneuver his or her way out of an accident. Only when there is a change in the mindsets of road users can we expect a decrease in the number of road accidents.

There are many steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths. Right now, car accidents related to distracted driving is on the rise. Staggering statistics are out there for everyone to see, yet we go about our lives ignoring the signs and warning against using our cell phones while driving. To reduce drivers’ distractions, the value of driver education is so valuable.

When I got my driver’s license this last July, my mom was hounding me, “Do Not Text and Drive”. I’m thinking to myself, “sure Mom, I won’t” without truly grasping onto the dangerous aspects of texting and driving. At times, I have found myself grabbing for my phone. Then, about a month after getting my license, I was driving home from cheer practice on the 241 Toll road, with my mom, my friend, and her mom in my vehicle. As I was driving, all the sudden, I see about 150 yards in front of me, what appears to be a body flying high in the air and landing on the ground. Traffic suddenly came to a screeching halt. I kept my cool, I had to. And instantly in front of me, scattered on the toll road I counted 3 bodies, 2 cars on their side, and stuff from vehicles everywhere on the ground. Around me, all I could smell was burning rubber. My heart was racing, “What do I do? Pull over and get out”? Yes. We pulled over to see if we could help. It was too late, we found out later that night, that 2 people didn’t make it. When I walked around to help, I noticed a smashed cell phone on the ground. I thought to myself, “was this the cause of this horrific accident?”. I will never forget this scene for the rest of my life.

Since that day, if I am in a friend’s car, and I notice the driver texting, or even glance at their phone, I immediately share the story of the crash I witnessed. Appealing to their human emotion, I hope to change their mindset to decrease the number of accidents. If I can save a life by sharing my story, I will, over and over again.