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Round 3 – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Bianca Hernandez
From: Clark, New Jersey
Votes: 5

The Importance of Safe Driving

Bianca Hernandez


The Importance of Safe Driving

As a child, I had always dreamt of what it would be like to drive. I would fantasize what kind of car I would ride and how I could pick up friends or family to go places and be able to get to those places in a faster way. However, it was not until I took driver’s education in my sophomore year, that I realized that there is so much more to driving than only being able to ride in a cool car and explore new places.

Thankfully, because of driver education, I was able to learn about the various rules and “do’s and don’ts” of the road. It is important that every potential driver take a driver education course. It teaches potential drivers how to handle any car-related emergencies such as flat tires or having a dead battery. Driver’s education also teaches many teenagers to develop a sense of control over a vehicle in places where it might become difficult to; in traffic, at night, in the rain, in the snow, and in any other circumstances that would require the driver to remain calm and in control. Without having knowledge of these rules and regulations, accidents can happen.

Unfortunately, many deaths can be related to driving. Driver education can make you aware of how to prevent car accidents from happening. One of the ways drivers can reduce the number of deaths related to driving is by avoiding any and all distractions so that they can focus only on the road. Some of the most common distractions can come from cellphones. While driving, it is important to make sure that any type of cell phone is either turned off or silenced. Thankfully, many newer cars have a hands-free mode where drivers can make calls while maintaining their focus on the road. Other ways to reduce the number of deaths related to driving are by being well rested while driving, wearing a seatbelt, abiding by traffic laws, and especially driving sober. Far too many car accidents are caused by a driver who was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A way to avoid these accidents is for a person or group of people to have a designated driver if they plan on consuming alcohol while going out. A designated driver is a member of a group who will refrain from consuming alcohol in order to drive others in the group safely. In the case that a group does not have a designated driver, it is safer to call a taxi service or wait to be sober enough to drive.

Although I have not been involved in a car accident, I have seen friends almost get into accidents or get distracted while driving. One day, a close friend of mine was getting text messages from her brother while driving. I kept reminding her that she needed to put the phone down but the conversation between her and her brother was very important. We eventually found a solution by her allowing me to tell me what to text her brother for her. That way, she could focus on the road and not worry about typing.

Some steps that I can take to be a better and safer driver is by practicing driving with either a driving instructor or someone who has a license and has been driving for a longer time than me. For when I’m at the drinking age and go out with friends, I do plan on having a designated driver or being the designated driver myself. Everyone can benefit from practicing safe driving. It will keep the roads safer and less lives would be at risk.