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Round 3 – How Drivers Education can Potentially save a life

Name: Aysia Arnold
From: Tempe, AZ
Votes: 22

How Drivers Education can Potentially save a life

Although it’s common to learn to drive on your own, or from a trusted peer or family member, it isn’t something that is encouraged. Learning to drive from a peer or on your own is the easiest way You may develop unsafe driving habits and learn incorrect information. If these habits in your driving go unchecked, you may find yourself in an accident that could have been prevent. The purpose of Drivers education is to provide you with the a solid foundation of knowledge, and skills needed for vehicle safety as a driver and a passenger . One key Factor I learned in drivers Ed that always stuck with me was the importance of always being a defensive driver. Not everyone takes driving as serious as they should , which is weird because it’s like people don’t realize the slightest mistake can impact someone’s entire life. Everyday you hear of people driving without a license , petty accidents where someone was texting and ran a red light , driving and driving , or sitting to close to the steering wheel and an accident happens that changes everyone’s lives & usually the person that was carelessly texting and driving , or decided it was okay to have a couple of beers before driving home , that is the least effected by these tragedies. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been with a friend and have had to argue with them about taking an exit at 55 Miles per hour while texting . Of course I get the crap about me thinking I’m better then them because My parents could afford to put me through a driving course and how those things “aren’t that important “ because “everyone does it “ . To me it isn’t something I take lightly . I don’t really care what everyone else does and I don’t depend on other drivers to be safe drivers . Being aware of your surroundings and the other drivers on the road with you puts you in a situation where you can almost always avoid an accident that isn’t in your control because someone else is being careless . Everyone thinks they can drive well but reality is , most people can’t drive. Most people speed , answer a text , a call, speed etc . You can’t control the actions of other drivers. But being aware of your surroundings and your defensive driving skills can help you avoid the dangers caused by other people’s bad driving . Thankfully My mom has always been very strict about safe driving to the point when all my friends started getting their permits and I was still in drivers Ed , if they came to pick me up I couldn’t leave if they didn’t have a license. My mom didn’t care about a permit . It wasn’t a license. My moms best friend passed away in high school in a drunk car accident & it’s always been something that she made sure we understood long before we began driving. Now when I’m around whether I’m driving or not , we will be driving as safe as possible. I speak up if my friends are texting and driving. I’ll call my mom at 3 am to pick us up from a party if I think my designated driver has had a single drink. People are afraid to be the “mom” friend . They’re afraid of what people will think if they don’t do what’s cool. I personally don’t see anything cool about putting the lives of others at risk. Yet when I’m in that moment all I can think of is one decision can change the course of someone’s life . My mom may yell at me for calling so late and being drunk. But I’ll go to sleep without the burden of having to worry what I could have done differently to save my friends life .

A recent study that followed more than 150,000 teen drivers over a eight years span , has found Not only that driver’s education significantly reduces crashes and traffic violations among new drivers; that also young drivers who have NOT completed driver’s education are 75 percent more likely to get a traffic ticket, 24 percent more likely to be involved in a fatal or accident and 16 percent more likely to be involved in an accident. The study also found that during their first year of driving, the students who took driver’s ed had significantly fewer accidents and tickets than their peers without formal driving instruction. Without a doubt cars become our first take of freedom as we step into the world as a new adult but they can also be a fatal mistake if the proper steps to keep yourself and everyone on the road with you safe aren’t taken. The risk are real , but there are a few ways you can do your part to ensure the roads are safer by all. Obey the traffic laws, be aware of your surroundings, avoid distractions, drive rested, and ALWAYS steer clear of alcohol and drugs.

Aside from developing proper driving habits, the successful completion of a Class 5 Driver Training Program often results in reduced car insurance premiums. So Whether you’re a sophomore looking forward to getting your first driver’s license, or an adult driver who suddenly realized they aren’t the best driver and want to check on your driving ability, it’s probably a good idea to take a Driver Training Program.