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Round 3 – The Privilege of Driving

Name: Vanessa Nicole Nicho
From: Spring Valley, California
Votes: 0

The Privilege of Driving

Statistics show that there are about 6 million car accidents in the United States that happen every year, and that is in the U.S. alone. I can’t begin to imagine how other countries drive, since the United States tries everything to enforce safe driving laws, but yet there are so many accidents everyday. Learning how to stop these accidents are very important to keep the community safe.

Drivers ed courses are the number one way to safely drive. These drivers ed courses have shown that students who have taken courses like these are less likely to get into car accidents, or have been involved in less accidents. It is also shown that people that don’t take the course are at high risk for getting into accidents. Driver ed courses not only reduce the number of accidents, but it also teaches you the correct way to drive. Although many people may not have enough money to afford these lessons, have someone that is trusted to teach you how to drive safely. Preferably someone who you know that drives safely and you have seen them drive safely.

Some steps to reduce the number of accidents are to watch your surroundings because there are instances where things come out of nowhere and then suddenly you are in a car crash. Another very important thing that reduces car crashes is obeying the traffic laws. When people don’t obey the traffic laws it increases the number of accidents that happen. When more accidents increase it means that the community is not safe because people are being a hazard to themselves and to others. It is also important to know that driving on the road is a privilege and it is earned by showing that you are capable of driving. If it is shown that you have caused an accident it just comes to show that you are not prepared to drive.

I have been in a car accident when I was in the car with my family, but no one had any injuries. This car accident happened in the first place because the passenger was distracting the driver, and if the driver would have focused on the road then it would’ve changed the outcome. There wouldn’t be an accident, and the car insurance wouldn’t have increased. That is why it is important to keep your eyes on the road and not to get distracted for any reason at all. It is even shown that distracted driving is the number one cause of car accidents, and in my case that was the cause.

Now, to become a better driver myself I will obey the laws and I will also keep my eyes on the road and try not to get distracted. I will also take driver ed courses in case I am feeling that I am not prepared to be a driver on the road. I will remind myself that if I get this right to drive I will always make sure that when I am driving when I am feeling good about myself because problems such as my emotions can get in the way and can cause accidents. To conclude, driving is a privilege if you do not show that you are prepared to drive, then you shouldn’t be on the road, and it is important to follow the rules so that your privilege doesn’t get taken away.