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Round 3 – Drivers Education is Needed

Name: Iziah C Schil
From: PENDLETON, Indiana
Votes: 0

Drivers Education is Needed

Iziah Schill

Educated Driver’s Save Lives

We take a lot of things for granted. We have so many amazing opportunities, and privileges many do not, and many times we forget about how lucky we are.  In our country, we are able to have experiences many never get the chance to do.  Saying this, we need to be reflective and realize some of these opportunities come with a high cost. This cost can be lives lost, or accidents, and many times they are preventable.  One of these areas is driving, and having proper driver education.

We know from facts we have many lives cut short, and families affected through driving. While I have not been in an accident yet, I have seen the outcomes of friends that have been.  I can say from my experiences with others, some were careless. I wonder about the driver education, were they ready for driving?  Could we have done more preparation? I know personally, I sometimes think speeding or hurrying could help me, but as I learn and start to age, I see the importance that life is not a race.  My dad always says enjoy the journey and slow down.  I know one way I can help is to educate others about the dangers, and be an advocate for this same message that affects many people of my age.

What if we were to create a revolution in driving?  One way we could change and possibly reduce these is to allow passage of stricter driver’s education laws.  It seems odd that once you get your license, you really never need to review the newer laws in order to renew your license.  Why not?  Another way we could help, is to remind everyone we are in the act of working and collaborating together, and shed light on the facts and figures of the amount of lives lost through driving.  We could promote through schools driving statistics, and relate them in a United States History class advent and impact of cars.

Car manufacturers have a social responsibility to act and have all safety features standard on cars, or should be held accountable if their cars are leading the accident totals. What if we helped pass laws that not only incorporated socially responsible carbon emissions, but also added laws that forced safety equipment installed. What if insurance companies gave credit for continued education and reminding the insured drivers about safety measures?

From the information I have shared above steps such as: education, law reforms, and a shared commitment to help everyone, would benefit us all.  Together we could spread the word with our legislatures. We can reinforce the need for every so many years, review of the laws, and new changes is read and updated. We can use commercials to help spread education on safe driving. We can develop more technology to help, and alter ways of driving. After all, we all want to live and have amazing experiences, and not have someone hurt or killed while pursuing the American Dream.