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Round 3 – Stay Aware and Stay Prepared

Name: Phoenyx T Niedermeyer
From: North Webster, Indiana
Votes: 0

Stay Aware and Stay Prepared

One of the things I wish I had known when I first started driving, was not to be afraid of the road. This is not said in a way to be perceived as ‘drive like a fearless maniac.’ More in the sense that you can’t let your anxieties control your conviction. You have to be one with the road and the people you are sharing it with. A lesson only drivers ed could teach.

As found from the AAA Foundation, Drivers Ed has proved to reduce crashes by 4.3% in teens. Drivers Ed also gives the new driver real experience and guidance from an educated advisor. Someone who is very literate in the laws of your state and open to answering any of your questions. Having this reliable person in contact is key in keeping you and others safe.

Furthermore, this course is in many ways the gateway to reducing the number of fatalities from car accidents for any age. It distills these 6 steps:

  • Buckle up and insist others in your car do the same.

  • Avoid alcohol and any drugs.

  • Eliminate all existing and potential driving distractions.

  • Obey the speed limits, don’t roll red lights.

  • Always watch for anyone else on the road and be conscious of others who seem not as aware as you.

  • Finally, make sure to get checkups for your car. You don’t want an unexpected breakdown mid-ride.

These eliminate most of the main problems that factor into an accident.

I personally have witnessed my own family being the repercussions of not following these steps. Only a few months ago my sister ran a stop sign. To be expected another car hit and totaled her car. This day was even an effect on me, as I was forced to leave school early to pick up my nephew where she couldn’t. To this day she still has no car and now no license. She is a perfect example as to why these 6 things are so vital. If it had been any worse, we may have lost my sister to that accident.

Since I started driving, I have only been in one accident. This involved a fender bender at the gas station. I slipped on my own set rules and didn’t look a second time as they pulled in. However, following this harsh moment in my life, I have become more aware. I understand and hope to inform others on how to maintain from making the same mistake I did. So, if given the opportunity to take Drivers Education, please take it! It is an amazing way to easily teach yourself good and bad habits of the road. Read up on how to protect yourself in the car, the regulations that your state enforces, and always be aware before you push on the peddle!