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Round 3 – Driver Safety in the US

Name: Cooper Webb-Knudson
From: Cedar City, Utah
Votes: 0

Driver Safety in the US

Cooper Webb-Knudson, Freshman at Southern Utah University

Driving and car transportation is often something we all take for granted. However, we are all very lucky to be able to own cars and drive them wherever we need to go, whenever we need. Something that comes with getting your license and being a driver on the road is Drivers Education. Drivers Ed is a vital program to all young drivers and especially everyone else out on the roads. It teaches safety, patience and most importantly, how to be a respectful driver.

Drivers Ed, for me, was a great experience. I learned a plethora of valuable information regarding driving and general safety on the road. However, there was one aspect that was missing, I wished was part of the course. We never learned about driving related deaths in the US. Learning about these staggering numbers really helps to put into perspective how dangerous driving can be, and makes you conscious of your driving habits and their possible consequences.

A large portion, over 15,000 driving related death cases per year, involve someone under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Although that number has fallen over recent years with the rise of Uber and other driving services, it is still astronomically too high. One thing I’ve recently come up with on how to attempt to lower that number drastically is to have someone posted at the door of bars or other alcohol serving businesses, inspecting guests as they leave and make sure anyone drunk or impaired isn’t driving. I believe that would be a very easy way to greatly reduce the number of driving related deaths involving alcohol or other substances.

Fortunately, I have only been in one car accident and it wasn’t too bad of a crash. My family and I were on the highway when the car in front of us slammed on its brakes coming to a stop on the busy highway. Luckily, my dad, who was driving, has a great reaction time so we were able to slow down and avoid colliding with that car in front of us. However, the guy behind us apparently didn’t notice the sudden stop so he rear ended our car going about 40mph. Fortunately, we were in a Volvo XC 60 which is rated extremely high on crash safety measures so everyone in our car, puppy included, was okay. Even our car was better off than the man’s truck who hit us.

This accident, although no one was injured, could’ve been extremely serious even involving a death, my family just happened to have luck on our side that day. Since that day I have vowed to always be an extremely diligent driver and pay constant attention to my surroundings. Some steps that lead to safe driving habits and safe roads are driving sober and keeping your phone out of reach for the duration of your drive. One very simple hack to safe driving is putting your phone is your center console as you get in your car. Since your phone won’t be readily available to grab, this will prevent the visual attractions and addictions we have to our amazing pocket computers. I hope these simple tips and tricks can lead to safer and happier road systems across the United States.