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Round 3 – The Importance of Driver Education

Name: Hannah Pells
From: Venice, FL
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver Education

The Important of Driver Education

By Hannah Pells

In a 2015 study done by researchers at University of Nebraska–Lincoln, it was found that teens who do not take a driver education course are 75% more likely to receive a ticket. They are 16% more likely to get in an accident and 24% more likely to be involved in an accident that results in serious injury or death. For decades, the importance of driver education was debated, but this study revealed the truth. Driver education plays a major role in reducing the number of teenage drivers who are involved in fatal accidents.

There are several steps to take to avoid a fatal traffic accident. The most important step is to follow all state and federal laws. This includes only driving when one is the legal age, driving within the posted speed limit, wearing seatbelts, and not driving while impaired or distracted. In the 21st century, there are many ways drivers can become distracted. Entertainment and communication are at our fingertips through our cellphones and in dashboard computer displays. It is easy to become distracted when an alert comes through a phone. To be safe, it is best to keep cellphones turned on silent and put away. This will help a driver stay focused on the road. A driver education course is an excellent way to learn about the steps a driver can take to stay safe and avoid accidents.

Thankfully, I have never been involved in an accident as a driver or a passenger. Unfortunately, there was recently several students from my school who were involved in a fatal accident. A car full of teenagers were driving across the state late at night. All the teens had been drinking and were also impaired from the use of marijuana. The driver was driving faster than the speed limit and crashed into the back of a semi-truck. The passenger in the front seat was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected from the vehicle and died. This was a shock to our school and community. It is easy to feel invincible, but seeing this happen in our small town was an eye opener for myself and many other students. I hope everyone learned a valuable lesson and that everyone will honor the memory of our friend who passed away by driving safely.

It is very important to me to stay a safe driver throughout my life. I have already taken a driver education course and learned a lot about how to stay safe. I always keep my cellphone turned off and in the glove box of my car. I pay attention to the posted speed limit and I make sure everyone in my car wears their seatbelt, including myself. I have made a promise to myself and my family to never drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. My family and I have a plan for me to get a ride home if I ever need one. Another way I plan to stay safe while driving is to limit distractions. This includes loud friends and music. It is important to me to keep myself and others safe while driving.