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Round 3 – Drive Safely!

Name: Amaya Girtman
From: Miami, Florida
Votes: 0

Drive Safely!

The day I turned fifteen the thought of driving consumed my thoughts. I signed up for Driver’s Ed and within six months, I had finished and was on my way to obtaining my learner’s license. I hold Driver’s Ed with great importance because Driver’s Ed was paramount to my driving experience; it teaches you everything you need to know. You’re taught the rules of the road and more, which prepares new drivers and helps reduce the number of driving-related deaths through instruction. I’m very grateful that I had the opportunity to participate and learn from my Driver’s Ed course because, by taking this course, I was equipped with the proper information I needed when it came to driving and keeping myself and others safe.

I remember the day I got my permit I couldn’t go 10 seconds without showing somebody. From then on, my journey to “driving-hood” began. It didn’t begin immediately for obvious reasons–my mother is a very nervous person–but when I did, it was a scary yet thrilling experience. I started off driving in Larry & Penny Park before I decided to tackle the major roadways and boy was I over my head. Major roads with actual drivers on them were nothing like I had encountered in the park. My experience was nothing short of a culture shock but with time I grew accustomed to the crowded roadways.

Mind you, I’d take the word “accustomed” with a grain of salt. Although I grew accustomed to driving on the major highways, my driving skills remained nascent. My overconfident frame of mind and less than novice driving skills ultimately almost resulted in an accident. Thankfully I didn’t hit anyway but the experience was still unnerving. The moment it happened I remained indifferent and continued to my destination. I didn’t realize how much it affected me until I started crying. I hadn’t had any formal driving instructor nor lessons when I started driving. Many parents teach their children how to drive so I thought I’d be the former, however, after my almost accident, I realized I was the latter.

From my experience, I realized that for me to be the best driver I could be and keep myself and others safe, I needed to receive formal instruction from an instructor. I believe if other people can attest to my experience, getting a driving instructor could greatly reduce the number of deaths related to driving. As of today, I am a licensed individual because I took the proper and safer course of action for myself and others.