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Round 3 – Safe Driving Saves Lives

Name: Tammara Bourassa
From: Plamondon, Alberta
Votes: 37

Safe Driving Saves Lives

Safe Driving Saves Lives

Tammara Bourassa

According to many studies, those between the ages of 16 and 18 are the most likely to be involved in a car accident and also have the highest fatality rate in vehicle collisions. Drivers education courses thoroughly cover traffic laws and help new drivers develop the many skills that are essential to operating a vehicle safely. Training with a driver’s education teacher can be more safe and effective than training with a parent. Driver’s education instructors are required to take a course, whereas parents are not. Many parents pass on bad driving habits to their children when teaching them how to drive. The safest method for someone who is new to the road to learn how to drive is with a trained driver education instructor.

There are many other steps that can be taken to ensure safety on the roads. It starts with following the basic laws such as but not limited to; speed limits, stop signs/stop lights, wearing a seatbelt, and not driving distracted. Many laws are broken on a day to day basis. One of the most commonly disobeyed road laws in my community is driving under the influence of alcohol. I have never had a personal experience of being in a vehicle accident. However, when you live in a small community like I do, deaths affect everyone. In the past two years, our community has lost six individuals as a result of drinking and driving. One person’s wrong decision can lead to the death of someone’s parent, child, sibling, aunt, uncle, cousin, or friend. The choices we make while driving can change our lives and the lives around us in a matter of seconds.

There are many steps we as individuals can take to keep our roads safe. As a beginner driver, you can take a driver education course to ensure that you have the skills and knowledge needed to drive safely. Driver education courses can also be taken by people who just want to refresh their knowledge. If you do not think you are in good condition to drive, don’t. If you have been drinking or you’re high, do not get behind a wheel: always have a plan for a ride as well as a backup plan just in case. That text or phone call can wait until you get where you are going, if it is that important that it can not wait, pull off the road and park before you answer. My high school has brought in many people to talk to us students about the effects of drinking and driving. The most educational speaker I have had the opportunity to listen to was Kevin Brooks. I would highly recommend going to one of his talks, if you are not in Canada and can’t see him in person you can find his story on youtube.