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Round 3 – One Good Choice at a Time.

Name: Ryann Cheek
From: Eldridge , Iowa
Votes: 0

One Good Choice at a Time.

In the state of Iowa we are able to get a learners permit at 14, and a school permit at 14 ½ as long as we have completed a driver education class and the criteria for a student permit is met. I remember feeling old at 14 but for many of us this is the age between our 8th grade and freshman year in high school and still young to be driving a car. My school district includes many small rural towns. While I was driving only a few blocks away, I had classmates who were driving several miles on country roads during the early mornings or late evenings. Other than driving time with our parents which for some could be minimal or non-existent the driver education class we take at 14 years is one of the most important classes we will ever take. Another class is the last thing anyone wants to add to their already busy schedule, however it is required for good reason. Many may feel like driving with their parents is sufficient, however there are things a parent will not think about teaching. Driver Education teaches you the material but also requires you to drive with the instructor so you can apply what you are learning while actually driving. This helps you memorize and remember what you are learning about in class in a hands on setting. You are required to drive in various situations to get more confident behind the wheel as you gain experience.

While exciting, one of the scariest things about a new driver is when they are allowed to have passengers in the car. How many times have your parent’s asked you “who is driving?” Driving is a privilege that comes with responsibility. Your actions behind the wheel matter to keep everyone safe. It means not answering a text message or making a call. My friends and I have a pact that whoever is driving agrees the passenger holds the drivers phone. It’s a simple thing to curb the temptation of wanting to quickly reply to a text message or check our notifications. I have known numerous people who have been the cause of accidents because their phones were in their hands. I have been lucky enough to have only been in a small car accident where I was rear ended. It was minor and no one was injured. Even small accidents are scary and I would not want to be responsible for something much worse if it was preventable. Some of the steps I will continue to take now and in the future are:

1. Continue to stick to the no phone rule any time I am a driver in car.

2. Limit distracted driving.

3. No drinking and driving. In a world with Uber and Lyft available through a quick touch of an app on our phone there is never a reason to drink and drive.

One good choice at a time we can makes the roads a safer place.